Valentines day special

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(After Valentine's Day cause I'm lazy)

I sat on the couch Next to Zoey who was talking to me about something Not gonna lie I spaced out "Y/N!" "What?" I asked sheepishly with a smile "I asked who you want to ask to be your Valentine." I shrugged "I'm not going to ask anyone I don't really like anyone on the team like that." I said with a shrug a total lie. Just then he walked in "Hey Zoey.. Oh and Y/N.. will you be my Valentine?" "yes!" I blinked to see Drift and Zoey looking at me with confused expressions Zoey leaned to me and whispered in my ear  "y/n he asked you if you'd seen Valor." "Oh.." I frowned a little but quickly put on a fake smile "uh no I actually haven't ." I said quietly trying to ignore the pain in my chest 'wait I probably have an issue and should go to the doctor.. was he going to ask her to be his Valentine?' Valor and I were close friends but she'd never talked about being interested in Drift, in fact I thought she was after Dire. I furrowed my eyebrows deep in thought not noticing Zoey also leave the room with Drift. "Hey Zoey do you think.." "I looked up "Z?" I sighed "where did she go?" I mean I know it's just a Valentine but I really liked Drift and I didn't want him to be with another girl. I got up confused and went outside "Zoey?" I looked around before going back inside with a shrug I collided with someone "oof!" I looked up "Sorry." I said with a small smile as I looked down at Drift who smiled I blushed and looked down at my shoes "Oh um "Y/N! I uh.. I needed to talk to you!" I watched him "okay.." "I wanted to ask you if you would like to.. happen to know where Zoey is?" My smile faltered "oh. She's probably in her room. Wait didn't you just go outside with her?" Drift opened his mouth before closing it and speaking again "No..But Thanks!" He said with a wink before he left the room again "why did he wink?.." "because he has a crush!" I turned to Dire "oh you mean Valor?" "..yeaaah," He said slowly "because she's definitely in here for him to be winking at." I furrowed my eyebrows before going to my room
"Happy Valentine's Day to me." I said as I stared at the Tv sure I was happy for Valor but.. she knew I liked him and having him like one of my best friends? That shit hurt. I forced myself not to cry "just because everyone else has a boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't mean you have to be a weak little bitch y/n." I told myself as I turned on a scary movie because why not I don't need a boyfriend to watch a movie. But maybe You could just be friends with him? I mean we never really talked but maybe we could get closer?
Ok I shouldn't have watched the movie alone I can't barely deal with suspense but a horror movie? What was I thinking? I sat on my bed hugging the blanket around me as I stared at the tv "you know better than that don't go in there.." I leaned forward "Y/n?" I screamed. I turned to see Drift and glared at him "Don't sneak up on me like that!" He laughed "oh did you find Zoey?" He nodded "yeah.." "wait did you just kick my door open?" I stared at him "you're very strange." "Remember earlier when I was going to ask you something?" I nodded slowly "yeah but you left to ask Zoey or Valor out right? How'd it go?" "What? I didn't ask Valor or Zoey out I don't like them like that." "Oh.." I glanced back at the tv and jumped at the stupid scare I stared at him with wide eyes feeling stupid "But I came to give you these." He brought out a bouquet of roses from behind his back I blushed as I took them "oh.." I took the roses and set them on my nightstand as he spoke  "I saw you didn't have a Valentine. Which is good." "What?" I looked at him slightly annoyed "well you didn't have to rub that in my face." He ignored me and continued "so I was going to ask you if you'd be mine?" He waited for an answer as  I stared at him trying to comprehend what he had said. Drift didn't wait for me to answer as he handed me a box of chocolates "Drift.." I said distantly "look y/n I know we aren't best friends or super close but we've known each other for a while and we're friends..I'd like to change to that." I blushed at his words "do you mean.." I trailed off to embarrassed to say it Drift nodded "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" He had Barely finished speaking. I wrapped my arms around his waist "yes,yes,yes a thousand times yes." Drift kissed my cheek "so do you want to watch a movie? We can stay here. Unless you want to go out to the movies." He shrugged "stay here." I said as I looked up at him 'I'm so lucky.' We went to his room to watch a movie. This time not a scary one.
We ended up watching movies in Drift's room half the night. I ended up falling asleep before Drift late that night and I was still pretty tired in the morning.
We went downstairs for breakfast later than usual Everyone was looking at me with smirks or trying to hold in a laugh. "What?" I asked finally confused and annoyed "you have fun last night?" Calamity asked as she laughed "what?" "Oh please y/n you and Drift came down here together,are the last ones up and you slept in his room last night." I blushed "I-we didn't do anything!" I defended much to Drift's amusement "I'm gonna go shower and then I'll be back down and we can do something ok?" "Ok." My voice softened and I blushed when he smiled me "that's all the proof I need." Fate said with a grin "guys I swear all we did was watch movies!" I glared at them they think they're so funny "look I.. I like him like that but that doesn't mean I'd do anything with him the first day we start dating!" "You two are dating now? Oh I so ship it." I rolled my eyes "I'm gonna go shower." I got up and went upstairs"with Drift!?" Calamity called up I groaned "no!" 'that would be one hell of a shower though..' I told myself 'and I'd be doing everything but showering if I was in there with him..' I shook my head to clear my thoughts and went to take a shower in My room and not Drift's once I got out the shower got dressed and did my daily morning routine I went downstairs where Drift was waiting he looked up at me "you ready?" I nodded "mhm." He got up and I followed him out of the house 'I've known Drift for a long time. Surely If we did do anything it would be a little bit later after we've been together a while?' I walked next to Drift blushing at my thoughts 'I shouldn't want him so bad. But I do.' I stared at the side of his face he was so attractive he was more handsome than any guy I've ever seen he just looked so attractive without even trying. And he was the sweetest. Even when we were just friends! I love his personality.. "Pictures last longer you know." I blushed and looked away 'Oh my god he's going to think I'm a weirdo.' Drift laughed at my embarrassment "You're so cute when you blush." His words only made me blush deeper "well you know you look handsome when you do anything."
We talked about a lot of stuff while we walked and honestly I liked him even more than I did when we left the house "mm I've never kissed anyone before." I said quietly Drift had just been telling me about one of his embarrassing secrets that only him and Dire even knew about "wait for real?" "You don't believe me?" Drift shook his head "it's just.. you're so attractive and I just assumed you'd had at least one boyfriend." "Nope you're my first.." Drift bit his lip before he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him I looked up at him "Drift what're you-" he cut me off as he pressed his lips to mine. I kissed back obviously but I'm pretty inexperienced when it came to kissing. By the time we separated I was out of breath and blushing "Drift I.." I trailed off and bit my lip he pecked my lips with a smile"hmm?" I shook my head "Guess you're my first." "I hope that's a double meaning.." I rolled my eyes and smiled

Four months later

I sat on the bed next to Drift as I stared at the Tv not really paying any attention to it I turned to him my face red "Drift can we.. kiss again?" Drift looked at me "y/n you don't have to ask." He said sounding amused before he pulled me into his lap and kissed me. It escalated quite quickly into a heated make out session I was out of breath by the time we separated I had my hands under Drift's shirt "I know it's early and we just started dating but.." Drift looked at me "I-I want you to me my first." He seemed to get my message and smiled before his eyes widened in realization "It was a double meaning!" "but y/n are you sure you want to? I mean I thought you wanted to wait longer and-" " Drift. You've never been with a girl like that have you?" he scratched the back of his neck "well I've never been in a relationship this long but really? You sure?" I nodded blushing a bit I'd practically asked him for it I felt so stupid "W-Well If you don't want to we don't have to." He shook his head "I thought it'd take a lot longer before you felt comfortable enough to want to do this." I bit my lip 'should I have waited? He's gonna think I'm a slut!' Drift looked at me "I've been wanting this for a long time." I blurted out immediately regretting it and covering my mouth Drift smirked "oh?" I nodded think not so appropriate thoughts just by the way he looked at me, the way he'd kissed me. I bit my lip as Drift pinned me to the bed and kissed me roughly.
I woke up in Drift's bed on top of Drift  I blushed as I remembered what had happened last night Drift moved and muttered something inaudible I glanced around. I was only in his shirt and my underwear but I didn't want to move just yet. 'Fuck! I'm so-' "Y/n you're so beautiful.." I blushed and looked at Drift who's hazel eyes were wide open "thanks.." I wasn't really sure how to respond to compliments he sat up and kissed my cheek "I love you." He said surely like he'd planned just those three words. "I love you too." just then someone burst in "Ohmygod. Eww." Calamity covered her mouth but I could see the laughter in her eyes I blushed and covered my face "Get ouuuuut!" "Whats..oof" I rolled my eyes "this isn't a group meeting can you two just leave?" Dire popped up "Group meetin..I don't want to have any part in this one." They finally left and I leaned back "fucking idiots."

Ew so sappy lmao I apologize

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