I don't want to be your friend

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This one is super short

I stared across the table at Drift as he glared back "It was y/n's idea." "Pfft was not! If I did it I'd tell you it was me." It was TOTALLY my idea but Drift deserved this one we were currently getting in trouble because we 'set a bad example.' For the new recruits Just because we got caught. Now we weren't even doing anything big we just snuck out to go hang and kinda sorta stayed out all night got home at two and failed to sneak in, oh and we woke everyone up. John glared at the both of us "I don't care who's idea it was! You stayed out all night and come back at 2 in the morning and wake everybody up with your noise?!" I nodded "that is exactly what happened." John sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "you two.. are lucky we can't afford to lose you." I looked at Drift mouthing the words 'told you so.' "But.. that doesn't mean you're needed at the moment." Drift smirked "So you two get the honor of cleaning this place Top to bottom. No sleep, No games, No Fun until this house is spotless understand?" 'He acts like he's our dad or something.' I rolled my eyes "And if either of you wake anyone else up you'll be sleeping outside for a long time." He didn't say anything else as he left the room "You're a TERRIBLE partner." Drift said crossly "oh yeah yeah whatever. You're the one who tagged along it's your own fault." He rolled his eyes and stood up "well have fun cleaning." "What? No! You have to help John said so!" I hissed not wanting to wake anyone again "well you got us into this mess." He crossed his arms "Drift you literally were the loud one." I said as I stood and went to get the cleaning supplies. "Wha-I-Me?!" The fact that he managed to stay quiet just made him sound stupid "y/n you fell down the stairs you're lucky I even caught you." "Oh thank god you saved me I don't know what I'd do without you Drift." I said sarcastically he rolled his eyes as he grabbed cleaning stuff "no wonder you don't have a boyfriend. I looked at him for a moment he didn't even look sorry I narrowed my eyes "that's why your girlfriend cheated on you." He froze 'maybe I went to far..' he huffed "at least I had a girlfriend." "Yeah I'm not really into girls so-" I shrugged. "You know what I mean. At least I had a significant other. I frowned "I'm just waiting for the right person." "Yeah I'm sure there are plenty of attractive people what's his name oh yeah you know that really attractive guy named Drift?" I rolled my eyes "who says I want to date you?" "You. You're the one that acts all flirty." "Whatever."
I leaned against the counter on Drift who was already asleep I put my head on his shoulder it had taken 6 hours to clean and that wasn't counting the rooms but we could do those while everyone was asleep so we'd only done mine and Drift's. I looked at him and smiled "you're such a garbage partner." I said affectionately "shut up." He mumbled "my back is gonna be killing me if I sleep like this."
I'd settled on making Drift move so could lay down I rested my head on his chest as I looked at the underside of the counter "d'you think we'll get in trouble?" "For what?" He asked with a yawn I shrugged "well I mean I don't think John is gonna trust us on missions together. And I've never even worked with anyone as good as I work with you." "Doubt it, we're pretty good together." I sighed "easy for you to say. You're friends with everyone." "Y/n.." "hm?" "Go to sleep." "Ok."
I woke in Drift's bed I sat up "wait..what?" I quickly got out of bed taking note of the missing Drift I stretched and got up before I went downstairs. "Drift why'd you move me?" I asked as I sat next to him on the couch "cause you move way to much.. and I didn't want you to hit your head on the counter." I blushed 'why did I blush? I don't like him.. that much.' "But why your room?" "Oh because I'm pretty sure John was still up and his room is closer to yours than mine." "Oh okay." I said with a shrug "we still have to clean all the rooms." I groaned "don't remind me.
Cleaning rooms from top to bottoms is NOT easy especially Brite's because she feels the need to keep water bottles and food packages in there honestly. It took us forever to finish.
"This is all your fault." Drift pointed out as we sat down on the couch "you're the one who wanted to go out." I bit my lip "I just wanted to hang out with you. You know I always lose track of time!" I crossed my arms ok I hang out with him because I may have some feelings for him but I wanted to find out so I'd hang out with him really late when no one could interrupt us. Drift huffed "at least the house is clean right? I nodded "yep.. now training. You never taught me how to shoot a sniper rifle." Drift looked at me "you want me. to teach you. To shoot a sniper rifle?" I nodded "mhm." "Are you going to rage like last time." "Hm I don't know. You gonna teach me or not?" Drift got up "fine. Let's go."
I held the gun in front of me Drift groaned "y/n!" He came up behind me and took my hands and moved them "see? Easy." I bit my lip and blushed "pft I knew that." He kept his hands on mine "ok now look through the scope. And shoot." I nodded and followed his instructions "see I told you I could do it!" "Y/n you missed the target." He said tiredly as he stepped back and crossed his arms  "yeah but I shot the gun!" "Mhm I'm awesome I can shoot a gun!"  Drift smiled a little "y/n. You already knew how to shoot that gun. So..?" I stopped and looked at him as I felt my face turn red "I-uh just needed more practice?" "Oh.. you sure you didn't have anything else in mind?" He asked with a grin "Drift you're so dirty minded!" "Hey I didn't say anything that's your own mind thinking about that stuff!" He laughed as I looked away 'nows my chance..' I looked at him serious "Drift I need to talk to you." He seemed to sense my seriousness and looked at me "what is it?" I sat next to him my face red "look Drift I-I don't want to be your friend anymore." He gave me a confused look "what do you mean?" He asked quietly "I want.. to be your girlfriend?" I looked up at him and smiled awkwardly "hmm." He pretended to think "Oh so you did know how to shoot the gun." I bit my lip nervously 'this can ruin our friendship I should've kept my mouth shut.' "I have liked you for a while..why not?" He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his chest before he kissed me softly "yes y/n you can be my girlfriend." I blushed as I wrapped my arms around his neck "yeah I totally knew how to shoot that gun." "Really? Cause you have terrible aim."

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