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I laid down curled up in Drift's arms as I stared at the television. We'd decided to watch a movie since everyone else had been on a mission Drift was probably the best friend and honestly I had the biggest crush on him. But, in order to keep our friendship safe that secret was one I'd take to the grave if I had to. Soon everyone got back home Calamity was the first one to walk in and grinned "You two are finally dating?!" I shook my head as Drift muttered a "no.." and I turned to face him "you okay?" I frowned at his hurt expression He nodded "of course." "We're just friends." "You sure you aren't more than that?" Raptor spoke as he walked in and looked at Drift. They were having another one of their weird silent conversations that they often had around me. Drift Finally shrugged and muttered an "I don't know." Earning a sigh from Raptor as he left the room. Drift shifted so that I had to move and lay my head on his chest I grumbled "hey I was comfy.." I whined as Drift huffed and mumbled something "hmm?" I asked as I rolled around to look at him "nothing." He said carefully as he studied my face I smiled up at him "you're so hot when you're concentrating." Drift's eyes flicked to mine for a second as he blushed "oh uh.." he trailed off as he looked away. I smiled it was so Easy to get him flustered recently he blushed around me a lot too I mean I hope it was because he had a crush back but..maybe not. I looked at him he was so.. perfect to me I loved everything about him too. The way he smiled at me, the way he laughed at stupid jokes,The way he blushed so easily.. the way he looked so serious while concentrating on something. I want him. I want him so badly but I can't have him because he wasn't mine to have. Drift wasn't in a relationship but he'd turned down so many people since I've been recruited and he's been here longer than me so I can only imagine. I want to shoot my shot but for now I'm just his friend nothing more.. nothing less "/n.. Y/n.. Y/N!" I snapped out of my trance to see a laughing idiot "Drift that was not funny!" "Well you're the one staring at me." He teased I-No I was not!" "Oh y/n.. you're blushing." I rolled my eyes and leaned towards him and he blushed at our close proximity "now you're blushing." I said victoriously "that's not fair you can't do that!" "Do what?" "Uh.. use your.. looks against me!" "My looks?" I asked now confused "yeah you know you're pretty so leaning forward like you're going to kiss me is cheating!" I rolled my eyes "not true." Drift closed the space between us and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead "is too." He said as he smirked at my red face "Drift!" I shoved him off as he laughed "you cheated!" I accused as I jumped on top of him. I wanted him to kiss me again but not just be teasing. "Y/n.. what're you doing?" He asked slowly "I'm not doing anything." I said innocently as I leaned towards him his unsure expression quickly turned mischievous as he grabbed me and pinned me to the couch I blushed and looked into his eyes his warm Hazel eyes.. Drift looked down at me with a cute smile I avoided eye contact suddenly awkward and looked around Drift leaned forward and I squeezed my eyes shut "I know you want to kiss me." I shivered as I felt his breath on my neck without another word Drift got up shot me a wink and went to his room I sat there an embarrassed blushing mess. I took a deep breath and went to Drift's room. He was standing up and stuffing spray paint in his bag he also had his mask on that covered the lower half of his face he glanced over at me "you wanna come with?" He asked his voice slightly muffled I nodded as I watched him. He looked so mysterious "hot.." "what?" He asked looking at me confusedly "oh I said it's uh hot in here!" He shrugged and went back to going through his paints while I went to get ready. When I finished (I may have used a bit of makeup.) I went back to Drift's room where he laid on his bed staring at the roof as soon as he heard me he sat up "oh Y/n.." he got up and reached into his closet before he handed me a hoodie "see I got you a matching one for when you go with me!" He sounded so happy. I know it wasn't a huge deal but I honestly fell in love with him even more at the gesture "Like couple outfits.." Drift looked at me for a moment before he just shrugged "yeah except we're not a couple.." he said sounding different I wrapped my arms around him as best as I could "you're the best!" "Thanks.." he grabbed his bag "let's go."
I had my back to Drift as I carefully sprayed the brick wall "hey y/n let me see the gold please." I handed Drift the can not really looking at what he was working on. When I finished I stood and grinned though it couldn't be seen under my mask I turned to look at what Drift was doing and oof that was not graffiti that was a mural Drift really went all out this time as he stood back to admire his work I admired him 'oh what's not to like..' I thought as I watched him. Drift often Used his kitsune mask in his works but all the other stuff  just made it look..better Drift turned around to look at mine which was just a giant word 'oof.' With a bunch of random stuff  "Looks great y/n.." I smiled as he tried to hold in his laugh "yeah the oof really brings out the yeet.." we burst out laughing
"Yours looks like it belong in an art museum." I said as I finally managed to catch my breath and walked over to him "we done here?" Drift looked around as he grabbed his bag "yep." He said as he slung it over his shoulder.
When we got back Calamity took one look at us and squealed "oh my god are those Matching hoodies?! Like a couple?!" I looked up at Drift who's face was red "Well they're matching but uh couple hoodies? That's a uh a little specific.. they're like hoodies for best friends.. I got them so we could match.. Yeah!" I looked at my shoes to hide my red face as Calamity laughed "I was kidding Drift no need to get all flustered." Drift sighed and went to his room I of course followed after him he closes his door and looked at me looking embarrassed "y/n the hoodies weren't supposed to be like a couple thing I just.." "why? I like them." Drift looked at me as he took his mask off and set it on his table before he took mine off as well I looked at him and smiled "Drift I-" I was silenced as he pressed his lips to mine I felt my face heat up but I kissed back the kiss quickly got heated and Drift had me up against the wall by the time we finally separated "Y/n I like you a lot.." He spoke confidently 'woah I like that confidence.' Drift kissed me again before pulling away "movies?" I nodded out of breath and blushing
I woke up next to Drift and stared at him for a moment remembering the previous nights events I looked over at Drift. still tired "Drift this is all your fault!" I whined glad that the walls were soundproof I grabbed one of Drifts shirts and went to take a warm shower because I was exhausted.
about halfway through I heard Drift come into the bathroom "Drift your stupid movies kept me up all night!" Drift laughed as I turned the water off "I didn't force you to watch them." "Hey, turn around for a second.." I blushed and wrapped the towel around my body "I'm stealing this shirt." I said before he left the bathroom "just hurry up and change so we can go get breakfast." He said tiredly
I'd managed to get dressed and ready Drift had already gone downstairs wondering if we were a thing or not.
I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Raptor "Oh hey y/n.. you were in Drift's room last night right?" "Yeah why?" I asked curiously "I was just worried Drift was watching something but I'm assuming all those screams were yours?" I rolled my eyes "oh please, it was a horror movie. No one even screams like they're being murdered like that..I'd hope. And I didn't do anything with Drift but what about you and Calamity?" I asked teasingly "you seem to be watching a lot of movies your doors always closed nowadays." He shot me a wink "eww." I said wrinkling my nose in disgust he shrugged "Im kidding.. mostly." He joked as Drift came into the kitchen looking good as always. "what're you talking about?" He asked Raptor as he grabbed a water from the fridge "oh just your relationship." Drift froze and shot a look at me before he looked at Raptor  Calamity came down the stairs "Oh y/n I never got to talk to you yesterday but.. me and Raptor are finally an official couple!" Drift looked at Raptor "you didn't tell me!" "Hey you were to busy drooling over y/n!" I ignored the blush on my face as Calamity stopped "why're you wearing.. is that Drift's Favorite shirt!?" "I always wear his shirts and hoodies.." I shot her a confused glance "yeah but this is one he wears all the time.. ooh that's such a girlfriend thing to do" I stared at Drift who shot me and apologetic smile with a shrug "Because she's my girlfriend." He said causing me to blush "we're dating." I jumped down and nodded "mmhm." "Since when?!" Raptor asked glaring at Drift mad he hadn't been told "since last night." Raptor smirked "ohh so you two didn't watch a horror movie you had it on while you two made out.. that seems like something you two would do when you first start dating." Drift looked at me "Raptor, you and Calamity have been dating for forever even though you just now made it a thing what did you do when you first got together?" Raptor laughed while I just looked at him confused before it clicked "know what? I don't wanna know."  Raptor got up with Calamity "well we're leaving you two alone.. um don't do it in the kitchen." "Raptor!" Drift glared at him and he laughed again "I'm kidding..but don't be doing anything in here!" He quickly closes the kitchen door behind him Drift watched me fondly "what?" I gave him a confused look "I can't believe you're my girlfriend." He pulled me in for a kiss "I'm glad we aren't just friends anymore" I admitted with a blush. Drift chuckled "me too."

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