Best friend pt. 1

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I was currently lying on my bed as I stared at my phone "when are you gonna be back?" I asked softly as I glanced at my Tv "I dunno.. I'll try to be back by tomorrow Okay?" I just nodded "Okay." "What's wrong?" I shook my head and bit my lip "nothing." Drift huffed "Y/n I know that's lie. Are you okay?" He asked, a little softer this time. "I miss you." I whispered as I looked down "You've been gone for two weeks now, and I miss you." "Hey, I'll be back soon. I promise. How could I miss my best friend's birthday?" I laughed "yeah, best friend.." "Well, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." I nodded and waved "see ya." "bye." Was all I mumbled before I hung up. I sighed as I leaned back on the bed "Drift why can't you just stay here?" It was bad enough if just gotten back from a long mission when he had to leave. We got a few minutes to talk before he left but I was tired of stalling. I sighed and got up before heading into the kitchen. "Hey y/n, you okay?" I nodded "yeah." "You miss your boyfriend." Brite teased as she hopped up onto the stool "it's okay. He'll be back soon." "Yeah I'm sure." I was too tired to even deal with her teasing "My head hurts, my throat hurts, and I'm pretty sure I'm sick." I whined as I went to the cabinet for medicine "If I get sick I swear I'm going to be mad."

It's so nice outside today, and I'm stuck in my fucking bed because I'm sick. I stared at my phone before picking it up "hello?" I didn't bother to look at the caller Id "hey, you okay? I heard you're sick." "Oh, Drift. Yeah I'm feeling terrible today." I said as I laid my head down "so, if you get here stay away or you're gonna get sick." "Well, that's why I called you. I have to go, again." "What? No!" I frowned "you don't get to go again!" "I have to. After this I'll get two weeks off, I promise." "Drift!" I whined "I wanna see you." I was never one for long distance in case it wasn't obvious, but with Drift it was different I Had to talk to him at least once a day unless I was mad at him. "Y/n I'm sorry, we can do whatever you want when I get back Okay?" "...Okay." "Alright I'll see you, Get better." I just muttered another "ok." "bye." "Bye." I said softly before hanging up and throwing my phone to the side before I rolled over and fell asleep.
I woke up when he came in "hey, I'm gonna leave okay?" "Fuck you." I grunted as he laughed and rested his hand on my forehead "take some medicine." He smiled and handed me his hoodie "I'll be back soon. Your soup is in the microwave." I watched him leave the room before rolling over "soooouuuuup." I sang to myself as I wrapped the hoodie around me and got up and went downstairs to get that soup just as everyone was saying goodbye to Drift "your girlfriend isn't gonna be happy." He rolled his eyes "I haven't even asked her out yet." I walked into the kitchen "but she's wearing your hoodie?" "She likes wearing my hoodies." "Because she likes you. all girlfriends do that! They smell so good, I wear my boyfriend's hoodie all the time." I shook my head at the sound of Brite's voice and blushed slightly "do I like him that much?" I whispered to myself as I took the soup out of the microwave. 'My favorite.' Which is why I was currently crying as I ate the soup 'why am I so sensitive all of a sudden?' "Y/n why're you crying?" Brite asked as she popped her head into the kitchen I ignored her as I held the soup "why does he have to be so thoughtful?" I whimpered as Brite shook her head "oh my god you're such a dork. He just left. He'll be back before you know it." I just nodded "he said you needed to take that cold medicine so, you should probably take it." I just nodded "fine."
I sighed as I stared at my phone 'should I? Is that weird?' I shrugged and called him anyway "yeah?" "Stay on the phone with me." I said softly "okay." "How was your mission?" "Oh, it was fine, boring." I pulled the hoodie over my shirt and pulled the blanket over me. "Tell me."
I fell asleep to the sound of his voice and if I'd been awake I would have heard him when he whispered a quiet "My phone is gonna die..goodnight, love you."
I sat up, definitely feeling better but still terrible. Deciding I wasn't hungry, I brushed my teeth And went downstairs to at least be in the same room as everyone so I could be distracted. "morning y/n." "Morning." I said softly as I sat on the couch "are you still running a fever?" I shrugged "I really don't know." Luxe pressed her hand to my forehead "nope you're good!" I smiled "thank god." "So, Drift will be back in two days according to Wick." I nodded "ok."
I really shouldn't miss Drift the way I did. We aren't dating we were just friends but I'd always been sort of attached to him. I didn't like being away from him for long either. I sighed as I laid down I hadn't talked to him at all today and I was already going to bed. I rolled over and shut my eyes I was exhausted for no reason I hadn't even done anything.
"Hey, I'm back." "What? Why?" "Um.." he rubbed the back of his neck "I didn't wanna go." I stared at him "well, go change and we can watch a movie."
By the time he finally came back after taking a shower I was already half asleep "we can do something tomorrow you're tired." I shook my head "sleep with me."
I pulled my body close to his and rested my head on his arm. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "Hm?" He sounded just as tired as I felt "why did you really come back?" "Missed you." He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around my waist "oh." My face was a deep shade of red and I was glad it was dark. "Night Y/n." "Night." I said softly as I shut my eyes.

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