Chapter 3: Notes

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Leo's POV:

It's kind of odd to have a funeral in the summertime. Not that I would know, considering how I've never been to a funeral in my life. But when you think of a funeral, you think of rain and dark clouds and crying. There's a lot of crying, but there are no darkened skies or rain drops. It's only ten AM, and it's already up to seventy degrees, bound to get hotter.

We sit in the church from nine-thirty, until eleven-thirty. Lots of people speak, but none of them are Lexi or Rose. In fact, none of those that speak look to be under the age of thirty or so.

I'd expected there to be a larger crowd. I don't even have to ask the question, when I hear Master Splinter whisper, "I think that the Kings would rather have close friends and family here, opposed to many, many people." I don't ask any questions after that and I try to make it seem like I'm not still curious.

Before long, everyone piles out of the church. Some men help carry the casket out into a hearse and after the car is gone, everyone gets into their cars and leaves. My family and I have arrived right on time so I hadn't been able to see Lexi or Rose.

Casey drives and April sits in the passenger seat, sniffling and wiping her tears. April had expressed to us how much more she could have done to show Benj that she cared; she started to blame herself. And that was the most ridiculous thing that I'd ever heard.

But since the ride to the funeral is spent filled with "it was my fault" and "I can't believe he's gone..." the ride to the actual cemetery is almost dead silent. The air conditioning is blasting because without it, we'd all become toast. Nobody speaks and nobody has to.

When I get out of the car, I finally see Lexi. Her curly blonde hair is pinned back halfway and her arms are crossed tightly against her chest.  

I'm afraid to approach her. What am I supposed to say? I have come closer without realizing. Even from the distance that I was at, I can tell that she isn't wearing makeup. She always said that it's pointless to wear makeup at funerals because you always just cry it off anyway.

She laughed when she had told me that.  I can imagine she wouldn't have laughed if she knew that the next funeral she'd go to would be for her little brother.

The actual service goes quickly. A man I don't recognize gives a prayer and it's over before I know it. I hear a few people say things like, "I'm so sorry for your loss..." or "Benj was a great young man." But I know that it probably isn't helping them. Saying those things isn't going to bring him back.

I'm about to approach Lexi. She stands nearest to the grave and it looks like she's ignoring everybody. Of course, I see her respond with a sad smile to anyone that tries to talk to her, but she doesn't really seem to intend on starting a conversation. Like before, I'd unknowingly neared her. It's a habit that I can't break. I need to be near her and know that she's safe; even if she doesn't want me around.

I watch Lexi for a few more moments. She just sits there at the grave, mumbling under her breath. It could have been a prayer, or she might have just been talking to Benj. Minutes later, an older woman approaches her. The woman has dark gray hair and her eyes seem to shine with a light I can't explain.

"Alexandra, stand." Her voice is calm and comforting. It has the most soothing touch to it and even though she isn't addressing me, I still feel comforted by it. I'm surprised when Lexi follows the old woman's orders.

"Grandma..." she whispers, squeezing her eyes shut. "He's...he's..." She's going to say gone. I know she is.

"Listening," The old woman finishes. There is a silence between the two. The old woman tucked a strand of loose curls back behind Lexi's ear and sighs. "You are a King, Lexi."

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