Chapter 8: And then there was all but one

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Rose's POV:

The split second I walk into the apartment, Mom jumps up from the couch. 

"Where's your sister?" she asks frantically. It takes me a moment to process her question, and once I do, I try not to show my annoyance. Of course she's worrying about Lexi. She's always worrying about Lexi; Lexi is her favorite child after all. 

"I don't know," I mumble. "She wasn't with me."

"She was," Mom reminds, crossing her arms. "You two went to the cemetery together hours ago."

"Well she's not with me anymore." I try to worm past my mother, but she catches me by surprise by grabbing onto my arm.

"Lexi isn't answering her phone, Rosalie." I scrunch my nose up habitually. Mom never calls me by full first name unless something is important; that's kind of something that every member of my family has taken after. Most call my sister by the nickname Lexi, but when someone was speaking of something important, they call her Alexandra. And Benj was called by Benjamin when in trouble or like Lexi and I, when someone is being serious.

"She might just have her phone turned—"

"Lexi never turns her phone off." I stare at Mom for a few moments and then wriggle out of her grip. She releases and looks slightly embarrassed when she sees the thick, red fingerprint marks that are the result of her griping my arm so tightly. When I don't say anything, she continues. "I even tried to locate her phone..."

"Mom, you know that those phone locators that you've been programming don't actually work—"

"Well this one does!" she snaps. "I made sure of it. And the locator still failed." I open up my mouth, but she hurries and speaks again. "And it wasn't failure because of the device. The battery of her phone has been taken out—"

"Mom, I don't think that—"

"Stop interrupting me!" she shouts and I flinch back. Mom never yells at me; she never has until now. "If you don't care about your sister, then go to your room."

"I do care about her," I defend, crossing my arms. "I just think that you're jumping to—"

"Rosalie, it is almost midnight and not only can I not reach Lexi by calling her, but I can't locate her cell phone. Something is wrong." Her voice sounds awfully grave and I can't help but shiver at the coldness of her tone. She's making me worried; and I don't worry about Lexi all that much.

But maybe I should. I mean, she does have an entire Mutation Headquarters targeting her, filled with killer mutant soldiers...

I swallow and nod.

"What do we do?"

Mom sighs, but visibly relaxes the slightest bit. She's glad that I'm not going to fight her on this.

"I want you to go get the turtles." 


"We've tried to get a locator on her phone for hours now," Mom explains, shaking her head. "We haven't been able to get anything."

"And the only way that you wouldn't be able to get a locator on a phone that's turned on is by taking the battery out. Or destroying the phone all together," Noah explains, crossing his arms and looking at all of us.

For someone who is woken up at one in the morning, Noah looks pretty wide awake. Besides his wrinkled plaid button up and his messed up hair, he's alert and ready for action. I wouldn't have expected it any different though; considering the fact that he was informed through the phone that Lexi had gone missing and we couldn't locate her phone, I'm surprised that he even remembered to put his pants on.

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