Chapter 17: Promotion & Demotion

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"Alexandra King, in thanks of your phenomenal service, we promote you from the title of an Agent, to the position of Detective. We thank you for your service as Agent for these many years, and wish you much luck in your new position."

Out of all the awful things that have happened throughout the past while, all the things which have broken me and beaten me until I thought I couldn't get back up again, this is something that makes me smile.

My face is surely glowing as I accept the badge of Detective King. I'm the first in my family to acquire such a title, and that knowledge just makes me smile even wider. I feel a sense of joy as I see all the people I've worked with for years looking up at me and clapping. Friends, family, people I've practically watched grow up.

Rose and Mom: only half of my biological family, but I have other family.

April and Casey stand there, clapping and smiling at me. April glances over and laughs at Casey, who is cheering my name loudly, as if he's at a football game. They've been like cousins to me, even like siblings sometimes. April has been like an older cousin, always there for me, and just the easiest person to talk to. And Casey is like an older brother: always looking for an opportunity to tease me, but also there when I need someone to listen.

I have the turtles, who look up at me each with their animated faces. Don looks like a proud older brother, and he really has been such a good friend to me. Over the time where I was being a brat to Leo (still a period of my life that I regret), I gained such a solid relationship with Donnie, and that relationship has remained.

Raph stands there, clapping as well, with also a proud look on his face, but it's different. He's got a smug smile on his face—like he knew for a fact that this would happen eventually. It looks very confident, and it gives me confidence.

Mikey is going crazy. He's jumping around, pumping his fists in the air and his shouts beat Casey's, as Mikey's practically screaming at the top of his lungs. His cute green face is animated and his grin is so wide I think it might break his face into two. When we make eye contact, his smile somehow gets wider, and he shouts even louder.

"Go Detective King! Go kick some ninja butt! And now you can cut lines like Detective Lassiter!" Mikey cries.

I laugh at his Psych-referenced joke. Whenever I have the time—for a long, long time now—Mikey and I take every opportunity to watch Psych together. It's good bonding time, and somehow, it helps him understand more what we do in the Headquarters. Not to mention, it's entertaining.

His excitement reminds me of Benjamin. I can almost see my little brother, standing next to the orange-clad turtle, having a cheering competition, seeing who could cheer for me louder. The thought makes me sad, but it also makes me smile. Because I know that he wouldn't miss this for the world.

And Leo. When I look at him, I still get those butterflies. I love him, and that hasn't gone away. As I look at him, standing there next to Mikey, grinning and clapping, I realize I haven't told him that in a while. I decide then that I need to gather the courage to do that again.

He and I look at each other, and it seems like the longest time. His eyes crinkle as he smiles, then his eyes trail to look directly into mine. I smile at him, and then quickly look away, embarrassed that I've been looking at him for so long. But I can feel his stare still. And I don't mind. The fact that he still even talks to me makes me happy all in itself.

I realize now how different things are.


"You're telling me you've never owned an article of clothing that you regretting ever even looking at?" I ask April, shaking my head and laughing. "I don't think I believe you."

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