Chapter 5

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If I had fairer skin, you would surely have seen me turning beet red from the stare-down.

"Baby, why do you think we were looking for you or your number?" Aunt Tionna bantered. 

Tionna, my youngest aunt, was a tiny little firecracker standing about 5'2 and 31 years old. She was small in stature but boy was she loud. Although she was sweet at the core, some were intimidated by her glaring personality, but not this gentleman. He simply smiled engagingly.

"That was cute and all, but I was actually talking to this beautiful queen right here," he said. His eyes were still locked onto mine. The feeling made me both weak and enamored.

"Oh, ok," she replied with a simple laugh and shrug. "well, excuse the hell outta me, Sir."

I really didn't know what to say. By that time, I had taken over the stroller pushing duties. So, I was shocked that he would be into me when it was evident that I had a newborn. Despite that fact, he was clearly eavesdropping in on the conversation about me pulling a few numbers, I see.

"You were talking to me, huh," I flirted. "Don't you see I have a baby? Why you tryin' to talk to me?"

He was charming, yes, but I still decided to turn around and continue walking with my family. He continued to follow.

"So can I at least get your name sweetheart?"

I thought about giving him a fake name but nothing came to mind fast enough. Who was this mystery man audacious enough to approach me in front of my family?

"Shi Shi," I said.

"One more time? I didn't quite hear you."

"They call me Shi Shi," I repeated. Although it wasn't my government name, it technically wasn't a lie either. Shi Shi (pronounced she she) was my actual nickname.

"Shi Shi? Are you mixed with Asian or something?" He questioned. "You kinda look like you got some Chinese in you."

The sound of that question made me roll my eyes. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that, I'd be rich.

"If you want me to be," I laughed. My family laughed too.

"Girl, if you don't give that man your number already...," my cousin Esha added. Everyone echoed in agreement.

"Yeah, listen to your friend," He laughed.

"That's actually my cousin, Esha. But listen, just take my number down because all of this is actually kind of embarrassing."

"What's embarrassing?" He questioned in a more pensive tone.

"You trying to hit on me in front of my people. You know they're gonna talk about you later right?"

"I'm cool with that as long as you and I talk about me later too," he said with a smile.

"Damn, charming, cute and funny!" I laughed.

"Ohhhh, so you think I'm cute Shi Shi?" He grinned.

"OMG! I gotta go! Just put my number in your phone," I asserted.

"Yes, ma'am!" He said with a salute...and just like that, after a few more minutes of small talk, we parted ways.

The family had another good laugh at my expense. As wild as that encounter was, it certainly was a great way to end a long day. I couldn't wait to hear from the mystery man whose name I forgot to ask. Ugh, typical me! Suddenly the phone rang...

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