Chapter 49

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After a series of haymakers, numerous kicks to my ribs, and various bite marks and scratches to my face, the worst of the attack was over.

"Jeremy! Please!" I pleaded. "So, you really don't give a s**t about me or this baby do you?" 

The sound of these words caused him to relax.

"You know I do...but, you don' least not for real anyway!" He began to cry again for the second time today. The very sight made me want to end his life right then and there. "If you really cared about me, you never would've tried to get an abortion or told me that it was over. I'll NEVER forgive you for that! This whole time it's been ME saying I want US to be together...for US to move away...TOGETHER! I just want us to be happy! It's now or never babe, so let's go RIGHT NOW!

"Okay, okay," I said, making him believe he would get his wish. "But, here's the thing Jeremy, Tionna is at work right now. If she comes back and sees that I'm gone then she'll think something is wrong and come looking for me. But...if we wait until she comes home in a few hours, we can say we're going out of town and that would buy us more time! Can't you see? I'm trying to look out for US!"

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I see what you mean," he sniffled, while now trying to embrace me. "Let's just wait."

"Good idea! Now, why don't you just lay back and relax, huh? You've been so high strung all day babe...maybe a back rub from me will help make you feel better?" I said, finessing the situation. He nodded in agreement.

For the next fifteen minutes, I gave Jeremy the best f***in' back massage he's ever had in his pathetic little life. The more I rubbed, the deeper he fell into sleep. I knew luck was finally on my side when the sound of heavy snoring filled the room. 

Trying not to wake the sleeping beast, I gently rolled myself off the bed, to get some assistance from Leah. It didn't take long because the trio automatically came running the moment they heard the door opening.

"You okay cuz?" She whispered when she saw my frazzled appearance.

"NO! CALL THE POLICE AND TELL THEM TO HURRY!" I mouthed, this time fully confident that help would soon be on the way. "Where's my baby?"

"He's in my room sleep," Leah said,  as she pulled out her cell phone, dialed 9-1-1, then showed me the screen for confirmation. 

After getting my nod of approval they ran back toward the rear of the house. Slightly relieved, I crawled back into the room and quietly turned the doorknob before shutting it completely. Having no idea how long it would take for the authorities to arrive, I leaned against the wall and cried in silence, thinking about how many different ways I could have avoided this anguish and trauma.

For six long minutes, I waited with uncertainty...sat with the highest degree of fear and apprehension...and listened to the steady rhythm of Jeremy's breath, as I held my own. I remained patiently in the room to prevent any danger from reaching the others. When just then, sudden banging on the door caused me to jump to my feet in a full-on frenzy. Had it not been for the audible sounds of police radios echoing outside my bedroom door, I would have easily passed out from pure hysteria.

As the door swung open, I put my hands up and counted four officers cautiously making their way onto the scene— what a beautiful sight it was. After ordering the kids into the back room and instructing them to shut the door, every emotion I previously held in came out all at once!

"Oh my God! Please help me! Get him out of here!" I wept, still fearful and trying not to wake Jeremy just yet.

"Okay, alright, can you just calm down for me, ma'am? We're trying to understand exactly what's going on here. But first, do either one of you have any weapons on you or anywhere in the house?" An officer questioned.

"No, I don't, sir. But, I can't say for sure what's goin' on with him though," I disclosed, quickly pointing in Jeremy's direction. "He had a knife in the car earlier today..."

"Okay, well we're just gonna have you step out the room for a minute here. If you can go over the situation with my partner, while we talk to this gentleman here, that would be wonderful, okay? For now, just breathe, ma' the way, what's his name?"

"His name is Jeremy! Oh and look what he did to me!" I bawled, showing them all the marks on my face and body. He tried to kill me earlier today! Then he just showed up at my house, unannounced, and jumped on me again. I told him to leave, but he wouldn't! I'm also 11 weeks pregnant with his baby!"

"Okay, I understand ma'am. Now, we're gonna have you go on back that way while we speak to him, alright."

As one of the officers began to escort me away, I looked over and saw his partner aggressively nudging Jeremy with his foot. Visibly disoriented, his bloodshot eyes popped open with shock and extreme confusion until he came to the realization of what was transpiring. His eyes soon locked onto mine with unspeakable seething rage. It was then in that moment when I learned the true meaning of the term, "if looks could kill"...

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