Chapter 50

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"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, SIR? WHAT DID I DO?" I overheard Jeremy yell from the next room, attempting to portray genuine confusion. "WHAT! NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED! MY WIFE AND I JUST HAD A SMALL DISAGREEMENT THAT'S ALL, NOTHING SERIOUS!"

"First of all, I am NOT...nor will I ever be his wife, okay! Let's just get that out the way first and foremost! I want the n***a locked up, sir! Please and THANK YOU!"

"Okay, got it! But, if you can...just try not to worry about what's going on in the next room, okay ma'am," the officer advised, trying to collect my statement. That was easier said than done.

After giving my full account, I grabbed my phone from the kitchen counter to inform Mone' about the happening. My heart sank though when I saw numerous missed calls from Tionna and a series of angry voicemails for having the police at her house. The kids had definitely told on me. Although I was a bit upset with them for not letting me speak to her first, I had to come to the conclusion that I would've done the same if I were in their shoes.

"It's not what you think! Everything is FINE! I'll call you back shortly, love you. Muah!" I texted. My thoughts immediately came back to the scene as the yelling became more intense. Apparently, Jeremy had gotten word that I wanted him locked up.

"SHI SHI! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" He shouted. The sound of a struggle let me know he wasn't leaving without a fight. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU B***H! JUST WAIT! THEY BETTER NOT EVER LET ME OUT!"

It didn't take long to subdue and carry his crazy ass out the house. After the smoke cleared, I sat the kids in the living room for a little damage control. The story imparted to them was extremely basic and watered down. It concluded with the fact that Jeremy was getting loud with me, so I wanted him to leave and since he wouldn't leave, I asked them to call the authorities...the end! This was such a convincing narrative that they also backed me up when Tionna came home. I slept very well that night.

* * * * * *

I awoke the next morning from the sound of my alarm clock, feeling like I had been hit by a very large semi. Everything seemed so surreal, but the many visible bruises on my legs and torso let me know this was my actual reality.

"Hmm, aside from this gash on my lip, at least my face isn't too bad," I thought, examining myself in the mirror after grabbing my phone from the charger. "Oh well, nothing a little makeup won't cover I guess."

After some time in the mirror, I gently rolled back onto the bed with my phone in hand, smiling at the "good morning, beautiful! Are we still on for tonight?" message from Kevin. Now that I'm officially single, it at least felt good to know someone was still thinking about me first thing in the morning. I'm sure Jeremy was too. However, HE was probably thinking about 1,001 different ways to hide my dead body.

Analyzing possible response options, had me both overwhelmed and confused. I must've read Kevin's message a good 3 or 4 times before I decided it was best to just decline the invitation. Although I wanted so badly to accept, I realized it wasn't fair of me to bring him into my turbulent life right now. In the end, the message simply explained that I'm not saying no...I'm just saying not right now. We still needed to get together for the project though.

With so much happening at once, I set my phone down and began to feel totally overwhelmed with the pressing issues in my life. Handling one ordeal at a time was the only way to go about it. The first order of business was to call the clinic and follow through with what should've originally done in the first place. Next, I had to go downtown to file for an official order of protection since there was no telling how long Jeremy would be locked up. It was better to be on the safe side since all the police left me with was a court date and an automatic 72-hour order of protection.

Because I had so much to do, going to school was not an option for me today-- the project would just have to wait. Prior to leaving out, I called my bestie Mone', just to follow up about everything that had gone down the night before.

"Sis, I'm so sorry that happened to you! I know everything is still fresh, but don't you think you need to speak to someone about it?" She inquired.

"Speak to someone? Like who, a shrink? Girl, cut it out! Talkin' to you is all the therapist I need, HA HAA!... oop! Wait a minute...did I I hearing what I think I'm hearing?" I said, listening to the familiar sound of a ringing cell phone.

"What's that?"



"YEP! AND I'M ABOUT TO ANSWER IT! LEMME CALL YOU RIGHT BACK, SIS!" I said hanging up with her, smiling ear to ear. "Jada...I'm so glad you called! We need to talk, boo..."

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