Chapter 27

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"Well, what does it say?" Mone' begged, while enthusiastically boosting up to the edge of her seat.

    "I don't know yet. The instructions say to wait 2-3 minutes for maximum accuracy...but, you already knew that seeing as how you used the first one, hoe," I laughed. She bee-lined straight to the bathroom. "It's gonna be negative!" I shouted as she zoomed by.

    Being pregnant never crossed my mind until Mone' mentioned the possibility. Concern soon began to consume my spirit, as I sat quietly waiting to hear what was going to become of the situation. No matter how the chips fell, I was doggedly firm in my position that I didn't need nor did I want another child right now.

    "Ummm, you may wanna come here and see this..." Mone' summoned.

    Peering around the corner, I already knew the answer by the look on her face.

    "No..." I gasped.

    "What are you gonna do, sis?"

    Devastation brewed inside, but my body refused to react one way or the other. Without a word, she gently pulled me back to the living room by my arm.

    "Sit down," she ushered, grabbing my half-filled glass of wine. "I guess you won't be needing this for a while."

    I silently watched her pour the contents into the sink, not realizing I actually needed it now more than ever.

    "You gotta say something!" She urged.

    "What can I say? I mean, really! I'm a f****n statistic...AGAIN!"

    "You can't start thinking like that, ma ma."

    "I don't believe in abortion...can't believe I really gotta do it..." I whispered audibly, staring off into space. I leaned backward on the arm of the sofa, allowing my body to fall flat onto the couch cushions.

    "Well, whatever you decide to do, you have my full, unconditional support.

    "Thanks, sis," I said forcing a smile. I picked up the phone to call Jeremy. "Hey, baby. What are you doing? I need you to come get me."

    From the sound of things, I had interrupted something important. Thankfully, he was somewhere nearby, and arrived in only fifteen minutes. Mone' gave one last hug and wished me luck. After getting in the car, my depression converted to the highest level of pissed-tivity.

    "Jeremy, why does the car smell like smoke again? You told me you quit!"

    "Why do you wear so much makeup when you look better without it?" He countered.


    "I said, you need to stop wearing so much makeup because you look better without it."

    "When you met me I was wearing the same amount of makeup and you loved it then! Now, all of a sudden it's a problem? But, what the hell does that have to do with the fact that you've been smoking weed?" I yelled while aggressively putting my seatbelt on.

    "If you can question me about stupid s**t, then why can't I question you back?" He said coldly. "I was in a great mood until you got in the car on some bulls**t!"

    "Had I known there was gonna be an issue between us, I would've called someone else for a ride. Just hurry up and take me home!"

    Other than the music blasting, we remained silent in the car until pulling up to the front of my house. At that point, he told me since I was "trippin'" he was going back to where he had just come from— as if I really cared. At least he knew coming upstairs with me wasn't an option.

    "Next time I see you, make sure you have a better attitude!" He demanded.

    "Maybe there won't be a next time!" I responded slamming the car door. He rolled down the window.

    "Shi Shi, be very careful about what you say to me, man."

    "Don't worry! Moving forward, you won't have to worry about me saying anything else PERIOD!"

At that moment, I quickly surveyed the area to ensure none of my nosy neighbors were around to witness the indignant exchange.

    "Keep talking to me crazy and you just might get your wish, but don't get mad when you push me to find someone new!"

    "I don't give a flying f**k what you do, or who you end up with!" I laughed, although still upset. "But, when you do find her, just make sure you let the b***h know that I'm PREGNANT WITH YOUR BABY!"

Without waiting for his response, I turned and walked into the house...

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