Chapter 45 - Heart Vacancy

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"Do you want to talk about?" He asked, rubbing his hand on my back soothingly.

I shook my head a no, "I'd rather not." In my head, it sounded different, the voice I wanted to come out was confident and loud but instead it was weak and barely in a whisper.

"You sure?"

I nodded. And thankfully he just murmured, "okay." And didn't say anything else besides holding me in his arms.

He put both of his hands on my shoulder and guided me to the living room. We sat quietly on the couch for a short time before we begun talking again.

"You know, talking will help you feel much better, get it out of your chest. Do you want me to call Claire for you? Claire's always been great at calming me down."

I closed my eyes and took a sharp breath. I should seriously stop crying.. I told myself. But I also remembered that I always tell myself the same thing, almost every single day and it's still not working.

I heard him unscrew the bottle of water as he handed it to me. "Thanks." I mumbled.

"No problem dear. Do you want to watch a movie or maybe I could fix you something?" When I didn't reply him he asked in a quieter and softer tone, "Do you want me to leave you alone?"

"No." I answered but I wasn't certain about it. I was very grateful that he didn't say anything for a very long time since I wasn't in the mood of talking to anyone. But until he heard my stomach growl he chuckled, "I'll go fix you a sandwich or something."

"Okay, thank you." I thanked him. He just nodded and smiled.

I felt bad for the way I treated him last night.. He's so nice it's just I'm not ready to be in a steady relationship with anyone, not even him and he just thinks it's easy to just forget about Ian. I can just agree to go on a date with him and then suddenly all of my memories worth of four years with Ian will vanish.

And it scares me to be in a relationship because I thought I'd be married to Ian someday, and have kids and possibly grand kids with him too. And then just when an oppurtunity came I rejected him, looking back I think I was stupid.

But then again, at least this is just a break up, just a few words and cries and not signing divorce papers. Because let's face it, one way or another this would've happened. A problem would've gotten in the way and since we're both stubborn idiots, we would have to let go of eachother.

I'm not sure but a part of me tells me that he fell out of love with me. If he didn't he would've tried like he did a few weeks ago.. Or maybe he fell out of love because I pushed him away too many times and he realised what a fucked mess I really am.

Caleb interrupted my thoughts when he came in holding a trey, I didn't bother asking how the hell did he know where the items were. "Thank you." I said, this time smiling at him.

He smiled back genuinely, "Cheese sandwich with tomatos and lettuce. My personally favourite. Eat up!"

As I munched on the sandwich I had the sudden urge to apologise to him for the way I acted last night.

"Caleb." I paused looking up at him, "I'm sorry about yesterday.. I was pretty rude with you."

"Nina.. No, no you weren't. I was an ass and I admit it! I was pushing it too far and I'm very sorry about that. It just sort of upset me when I see how sad you've been. I don't recall you ever being this sad when you were in Australia.." He paused, a frown spreading on his face, "I thought I'd try to help you feel better but I only made you feel worse! I couldn't even sleep well at night to think that I've made you cry."

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