Chapter 33 - You and I

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"Welcome Ian and Nina! It's so great to have you here." Clarrisa said, hugging us both.

"Thank you, it's a great to be here!" I said, straightening my dress again before sitting down. At the same time Ian replied with a smirk just a simple, "thanks." And waved to the fans who just kept one screaming and being 'fangirls' as what they're called these days.

Ian sat down and pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek, which only made me blush madly on tv.

The crowd yelled a huge 'aww' and applaused and we laughed.

"Okay.. So, how have you two been? I've seeb some picture of you recently and let me tell you, you look smoking hot." She winked.

"We've been great and thank you dear, Clarissa." Ian answered for the both of us.

"Please, you can call me clair or clarry, whatever is fine. Speaking of pictures, I also saw a few pictures of you out of hospital, there were many rumours about them. Would you clearing it up for the fans?"

I looked at Ian and bit my lip, he caught my eye and nodded slightly before speaking, "Um, we'd like to keep it private for a while."

"Ooh-la-la! So it is true! You are pregnant and you went for an ultrasound-"

Before she could even continue, I quickly cut her off, "no, no, no. That is also a lie."

"Next question please." Ian said, sweetly smiling but I knew that he was pissed.

"Okay so it is true, Damon died in the end of the season?"

"Yeah. May he rest in peace." Damon said, frowning.

"Awh, well he is going to be back for the next season?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." I smirked, "it'll ruin the whole season if I tell you." I added laughing then, "just kidding, I don't even know that myself."

"Oh!" She laughed, "I have to admit, I cried hard at the last part, that what do they call it 'Delena'?"

"Yeah." We both replied.

She continued, "that Delena moment actually broke my heart, it was so sweet. And when I saw you cry, Nina, I cried too."

"That was Elena crying actually," I joked, "But those were real tears, when I was reading the script I was like 'oh god. This is so sad' and so when we were shooting I was actually crying." I laughed and the crowd did too while the rest just said 'aw'

"Let's end the sad questions. So, Nian or Delena?" Clarissa asked.

I looked at Ian who smirked, "Nian, Nian all the way."

"I actually don't know. I like how unique Delena's story is, the way how she's dating her ex's brother and her brother's vampire, well she is too now, you get what I mean. But then again, Nian is also unique." I said honestly.

"It sure is unique. Two gorgeous human beings, who are too gorgeous to actually be human beings, dating eachother! And you're together on and off screen, it's so cute! Plus the 10 years gap."

"It honestly doesn't feel like it's 10, honestly. Nina is just always there for me that it makes-" he looked at me, "Nina could you please cover your ears? It makes me really shy when I talk about you and I know you're really listening.."

I laughed hard, "it's fine, go on. Let's pretend I'm not here."

"As I was saying, wait what was I saying? Oh! Yes! So Nina is always with me and beside me, it makes me forget about the age difference and all. And she makes me really happy, so the age gap is hardly an issue." Ian continued and I kissed his cheek. I would've kissed his lips but I decided to do it later.

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