Chapter 24 - Ambivalent

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Nina's POV

I cleared my throat before sliding the screen of my iphone. "Hello?" I replied dryly. "Come back soon, you need to pack up." He said before hanging up. It was true, but I was scared to go back inside the hotel room. So scared to face him.

Maybe, just maybe, we weren't made for eachother like I believed we were. After every problem, comes another. And it's so fucked up, because it feels so weird when everything is okay. That's how we're used to these problems.

What hurt the most is that, just a few days ago everything was great! And yesterday he went and slept with another girl. Yes, I was uncertain just a bunch of minutes ago about whom I love. But it took me barely an hour just to realise that I don't want to be with Caleb or anyone, but Ian. Even though my mind and my whole body says no, but my heart is aching for him.

but I can't be with someone i'll always have trouble with.

And yet again, I can't be with anyone else if I still love that someone.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw my eyeliner and mascara everywhere, I washed it away by splashing water on my face. I ended up fixing my makeup again, thank goodness I always keeped my extra makeup in my bag.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, and I wondered, how come in a world of 7 billion people, how come not even one person can tell I was faking a smile? To the whole word, I was a famous young actress, and I'll always be, they never know how damaged and broken I can be on the inside at times like these.

Maybe I should stay single for a long while, until I find someone who will love me as much as I will love him. But until now, my main concern should stay my career and my health.

I got out of the bathroom walking as slow as ever, I even used the stairs just to get myself more time. More time to mentally get myself ready to face the guy I thought I'd be spending the rest of my life with except, we both ruined all the chances possible.

I even mentally wrote a list of the things that had happened to us in the past year. It seems like I have everything I want, fame, money and 'looks' as what they call it to probably most of the people. And I do. But I don't have everything I need. I need someone who will love me, support and just be there for me whenever I want that someone to be, my shoulder to cry on and the reason I wake up everyday for.

Yes I have fans, friends and family for that. But I need a man that'll be mine only, and I'll be his. All loyalty, no lies.

The door was already opened slightly so I got in with no trouble. "There you are!" The boys standing in the middle of the room exclaimed. "Uh yeah sorry I was out." I apologised and immediately plastered my face with a fake smile, that everyone seemed to buy.

I was thankful that no one knew it, that most of my smiles these days were barely real but then again, I wish someone would come up to me and tell me that they know it's all fake and that they will help me have a real one.

"GO! Hurry!!" Paul pushed me to my room. I quickly grabbed all the clothes, including the ones on the floor and hanged ones and put them in 3 different luggages. Ah! Thank god we're going to use the private jet, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bring that heavy luggages. It took me less than 30 minutes, surprisingly. 

"Where were you?" Ian asked, out of nowhere.

"Out." I replied. "You took too long." I was about to snap at him and tell him I can do whatever the fuck I want until he spoke again, "I was worried about you." 

Unlike every other time, I didn't fall in his arms right away. Not this time, Ian, not this time.

"Well, I'm here now and that's all that matters." I replied coldly. He nodded, "Yeah." before leaving the room.

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