Chapter one

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I was deep in the slumber land when I had my phone ringing, who could be calling me at this hour, I took my phone from beside me, I share my bed with the phone and remote, single life. It was still 5 am in the morning, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the screen, so it was bae calling this early,
"Hello, Mambo mbona unaniamsha this early?"
"Poa, I was just thinking about us, how have you been since I last saw you?"
"Been good, busy kiasi but doing fine"
"Ulitoka job saa ngapi kwani? you sound very sleepy"
" Nilitokea around 3:30 am then nikafika four nikala, wewe ndio umeniamsha"
"My bad, but babe I don't like that job at all, you can give it fancy name as hostess but I just see it as working at a club"
"I don't want to have this talk with you again, don't tell me you disturbed my sleep for this shit?
"Don't get angry because am saying my opinion"
"Can we talk about something else?"
"Actually yes, I wanted to ask you about that best friend of yours, if you were to choose between us two who would you pick?"
"I can't choose between you two, you both are  different to me and serve different purpose in my life, is that all?"
"No, if I may ask how many partners have you had before me?"
"You've seriously woke up me for this shit? I'm hanging up I need to sleep"
"I want you to get tested for HIV so we can know we are safe"
"You know what buddy, you go get tested then call me, bye"
" I don't think we can continue seeing each other anymore"
"You dumping me?"
"I don't know" he hang up.
This is a one fucked up day, now I'm left here trying to comprehend what just happened, I was the one who is supposed to dump him, not the other way around, this isn't over. Let me first get the much needed sleep.
It's already 3 pm time for me to prepare and head for work. I went to the bathroom for a shower, I was scrubbing my body singing out loud enjoying my shower, I usually don't close the bathroom door since I live alone, then I heard someone opening the front door, I knew it's my crazy bae, he always comes uninvited and doesn't bother knocking, so I just continued scrubbing my body, when he sees me in the shower he immediately began to undress then he joined me.
"Hey I'm sorry for acting out in the morning"
"Okay, apology accepted, but that's the last time you do stupid shit or we will be over for good"
"Thanks, now let me wash you babe, Damn I miss this body, it's been long since I touched you"
He went ahead and started kneading my breast while slowly scrubbing my sides, he started kissing me full on the lips and hard, I opened my lips to invite him in, his hands were now everywhere in my body and occasionally pinching my nipples, I was so turned on I wanted him inside me already, slowly I felt his hands travel down my stomach and settled on my core, I could feel his manhood hard and pressed firmly on my stomach, my hands were all over his back, then he pushed two fingers in me while his thumb was rubbing my bud, "oh ah don't stop yes" I moaned softly as he continues, "fuck bend over I want to be inside you now" I did as told and he slammed in me really hard, and started pumping fast inside me, I could feel my orgasm coming at a full force. "Fuck I'm coming babe" he then started rubbing my bud fast and I come undone shaking like a broken blender, "fuck you feel tight, can't get enough of this" he said and continue pumping after four stroke I had him still inside me depositing his liquid deep in me, lucky I'm on birth control.
"That was amazing babe" he said and I agreed. We continued with the shower and once clean we went out, I needed to get ready for work.
"He babe I got you a job at my friend's company, it's a decent job with a good pay, you won't have to work at the club anymore"
"I thought I told you I love what I do, I don't want any office job, am happy where I am"
Then my phone started to ring I picked it up and answered
"Hey, ushatoka ama nikupitie?" It's was my workmate Dan, we usually go to job together since we live in the same good
"Sijatoka but si tukutane job, I have something to do and I will make you late, see you kwa job" I hanged up.
"Who was that?" Asks my babe
"It's Dan, tunaendanga job pamoja"
"That's the reason I hate your job, now I will give you an ultimatum, either your job or me"
"That's not fair and you know it"
"I can't do this anymore it's over between us"
And after that he left. Now I was again left there zubaing, what just happened? I got dumped twice in the same day by the same person, and worse it's after a hot steamy shower sex. I felt hurt and betrayed but I still have to go to work, so I finished preparing my self and head to work, tonight I promised my self I will get drunk, but I can't cry for him.

 How I Got Dumped Twice Same DayWhere stories live. Discover now