Chapter 13

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It's been three days and I've not yet decided to go see Dan, or can I say I don't have the courage to face him. I fell like he thinks I betrayed him.

I was busy baking some cupcakes in my bakery when I got a call from Kim's school.

"Hallo Miss Kay, I'm sorry for your loss and Kim can take all the time he needs to mourn his father" said the principal.

"What are you talking about? No one is dead"

"Brenda was here with an uncle of Kim's, they said that his dad is dead and you sent them to pick him up"

"I didn't but let me call them and know what's going on" and with that I hang up the phone.

I definitely knew it was Simon who is behind all this, so I called Brenda's phone and Simon picked it up telling me to go see Dan and he will bring them back if I do so

When he said he will do anything for me to go see Dan I didn't expect him to go this far, and I need his head for putting my baby through all this.

I finished my baking and closed the shop, I seriously need to hire an assistant which I've been putting off for long.

I went straight to the prison to give Dan a piece of my mind and let him know my son is not to be put in this kind of situation ever again.

I reached there in under an hour and was given the visitors tag and was taken to wait at a room with a table that had a hook that looked like something would be attached to it and there were two seats across from each other.

I sat down and moment later Dan walked in with a guard and his handcuff was attached to the table this he cannot move freely and the guard left us.

I saw him nod in the direction of the camera and the red light went off, I got scared, why were they switching off the camera? did he have plans to kill me here? I went to stand but he spoke.

"Relax pretty face, I can't ever harm you, you are my world and I can never stop loving you and I will never hurt you"

" You are just saying that, but why did Simon kidnapped Kim? I thought we decided to put him away from all this bullshit? Why didn't you warn him?"

"What!? Did he do that? He will have to face my wrath, I specifically told him to never touch my son"

"Well you didn't warn him good enough because he still did it and now my son is God knows where"

"Relax pretty face, I know he won't harm even a single hair on his head, unless he want me to deal with him"

"Fine and how comes you have the ability to tell the guards to switch the cameras off?"

"I have the entire department on my payroll so they do whater I want" and he stood up free from the handcuff and the chains. I wonder how until I realized they pretended to cuff him while actually he was free.

"Listen here Kay, I can escape from here anytime I want but there is some things I need to take care of, first I need you to take up my business"

"Hell no, there is no way I'll be involved in any of this crap"

"Just hear me out, it's part of my plan, and I want you to be able to run my business and also I want you to learn how to protect yourself, since you are associated with me thing are about to get crazy and I want you prepared when the time comes"

"What do you want me to do?" I ask rather shakily, I knew things like this will happen and I'll become a target for people who want to get back at Dan, his business rivals.

" Brenda will show you everything about the business, the dogs and the songs, how to seal deals, how to transact, all the pros and cons and also who to get into business with or who not to"

"So you mean to tell me Brenda is not a nanny but some woman who knows all about your business? Is even my son safe with her?"

"Trust me, Kim is safer with Brenda, she is a trained spy with the ability to protect you two, and on my other agenda, Simon is gonna enroll you in a shooting class and fighting classes too, you need to know how to protect yourself in this world, I love you and I can't take it to know you are velnarable to attacks"

"Can I think about it, it's so much to take it, with this and all the information Ken gave me my head is spinning, and I don't know what to do anymore"

"When did Ken tell you about his wash wash business? Were you two intimate? Did you let him touch what's mine?

By now he had me caged against the wall, he was tall so he was hovering above me. I feel like sleeping with Ken I have betrayed Dan, I didn't realize until now that I love him, even when I'm jail he still thinks of ways to protect me and Kim, my worst fear was confirmed that I'm in love with Dan. But what do I feel for Ken? I was sure I love Ken not so long ago, or could I have loved them both? No it can't be possible.

"Tell me pretty face, you didn't let him touch you, I'm so jealous right now"

"No, he didn't touch me" i lied because I knew he might do something that will make me hate him. He cupped my faceand kissed he passionately, he was gentle and soft. I broke it up before it gets to far.

"I need to go and get my son back, I'll let you know what I decide soon"

He took a phone from his pocket and my eyes went wide, I now know he got all the guards wrapped around his little finger. He called Simon and lectured him, he even threatened him and told him to take my son back home.

I left the prison having some feelings that I don't understand at all, I had a huge debate going on in my head. I decided to talk to Brenda first.

I reached home and found my son playing with his trucks while Brenda was making food in the kitchen. It was early in the evening and the sun was just setting.

I went to my room freshen up the went back to the living area and sat there catching up on some TV.  Kim came to me and sat on my lap while still playing with his truck.

Brenda finished cooking, set the table and serve the food, we went to the dinning table and ate while I talked to Kim about his day. Later I told Brenda I needed to talk to her after she put Kim to bed.

She washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen then put Kim to bed and found me on the couch taking hit chocolate.

"What did you want to talk to be about madam?"

"Tell me Brenda, if Dan tells you to hurt us will you?"

"Madam, from Sir Dan's words and behavior I know he loves you, and he told me to protect you two with my life, he will never ask me to hurt you, and even though I will never hurt you, from my understanding he wants you to take over his business, am here to help you through it all, it's not as bad as it may seem"

" That's all Brenda, you are excused, I need to be alone" with that she left. I took my phone and called someone I haven't talked to her in two years. I fell bad to ghost her but I was busy with business and Kim that I put everyone aside.

"Hey my bitch, finally you decided to Grace me with a phone call, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

" I miss you too Bess, sorry I've been mute on you but I need you, I want to ask for advice from you and I know you will give me a not biased answer"

"Shoot me gal, you know even if we don't speak on a regular I will always be your best friend, I love and I'm ready to give any advise you want"

I told her about everything and she told me to take Dan's offer and, she argued that Ken always leave when things get tough but Dan has stuck with me even if I room a part in putting him to prison. I called Dan and told him am taking up his offer.

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