Chapter two

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I arrived at work 20 to minutes to five, I don't like being late and today I was late by ten minutes. Immediately I passed through the back door and stepped inside Dan met me and crushed me with a hug, he has a well built body with a little bit of muscles here and there, I smiled at him.
"Hey gal what kept you that long? Or you were pekejeing?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Kind of but it's a long story,our shift ends at midnight will you stay with me and have a few drinks? I will tell you everything".
"Alright gal, hata Ni long before tuhang out after work"
The night went well, it wasn't that busy since it's on a weekday. At around 11 all my orders and bills were cleared off, I was now sitting at a corner waiting if my customers will order again. Just then I dove inside my thoughts. The reason I can't quit my job here is because I want to own a club one day, and it's a better way to get all the experience I would need by working here, in the two years I've worked here I have learned a lot, how to handle the employees and also the drunk customers. After this year I will quit and start mine. I was so deep in thoughts I didn't here anyone approaching me until I felt someone tap my shoulder.
"Hey gal, time is almost up and your table has cleared, go change and meet me at the bar, what should I order for you?
" Same as usual, Jack and Coke I want to get drunk tonight" I said while going to the employees room to change out of this skimpy uniform, one thing I'll do at my club is a no uniform rule, just dress to impress. I changed hurriedly and went back to the bar area.
"So I'm gonna be patient until you have two drinks in you, then I want you to spill everything, you have been distracted the whole time since you got here"
" I don't need two drinks, Ken dumped me twice today" I said while sitting at the stool and taking a sip of my drink.
"OMG, why? What happened?"
"Same as always about this job, but on my view I think he just wanted to break up with me, he had all this funny reason"
"Don't worry girl you will get someone else, better than him"
"I'm in no rush, I will just focus on building me first"
We continued drinking and talking about random things, weird customers, he started telling me cheesey lines, I laughed so hard until I forgot my broken heart. I kept on asking for more drinks until I felt really tipsy, I got on the floor and started to dance, swaying my hips here and there, Dan came and we danced together, I was grinding my butt on his crotch.
"You are totally wasted let me take you home now"
"I don't wanna go to my place, take me to your house, I want you to fuck me until I forget about him"
"You want me to be your rebound?"
" Don't tell me you've never thought of shagging me?" I said while rolling my eyes.
"It's no secret I have, but not in this condition"
" Okay then let me find someone else, I know a few willing participants"
"Uh um, fine let's go" he said while scratching his head I heard him mutter something under his breath like 'you so gonna regret this' but I didn't bother with it.
The trip to his house was fast, we arrived there at 3am, he had to carry me inside since my legs forgot to function. But once inside I found my strength and attacked him with hungry kisses. He stilled for a few seconds then kissed me with the same passion. He bit my lower lips and I opened my lips to give him access, once our tongues found each other it was a battle for dominance which I lost. We continued kissing until I felt the need for air we broke apart but he continued kissing my cheeks down to my neck, he was leaving small butterfly kisses and one he reached that place where the shoulder meet the neck he suck on it hard.
"Oh Dan your mouth is amazing" I moaned. He continued with his kisses and I don't even remember how I lost my top in the process, he knew what he was doing. Then I heard a click and my bra was off.
"Damn Kay, I've been fantasizing about this twins for a long time, they are beautiful" he said while taking one nipple in his mouth and his hand was fondling the other.
"Oh Dan ohh ahh" I just moaned the pleasure he was giving me was intense. He gave my other nipple the same treatment and he lowered his kisses to my stomach which was trembling with every kiss, he kissed my body randomly everywhere that left me shaking with anticipation.
He then removed my trousers together with my panties and throw them aside, he kissed my legs from the calf the my thighs, now I was totally moaning out loud, I couldn't control. He spread my legs taking his time looking at my p***sy,
"So fine, I want to have a taste" he didn't wait for my reply he stroked my down lips with his tongue and I lost hit, his tongue was doing wonders to my woman, he sucked my clit while he inserted two fingers in me, he kept his pace with both the tongue and the fingers,
"Don't stop Dan I'm coming" I moaned and I felt the twist in my stomach grow to a blissful orgasm, I was really shaking, he licked me clean and stayed there until I pass my high.
"You taste amazing Kay" he said then he was back kissing my lips, I could taste myself on his lips but I didn't care, infact I was aroused by that again. We kissed and he broke the kiss and undress, he removed every clothing he had slowly and seductively, gosh I was now turned on, I want to fell him now. He went to his drawers and took a packet of condoms.
"Dan please"
"Tell me Kay, what do you want?"
"I want you to fuck me"
He tore the foil and rolled the condom over his large member, it was huge I don't think I can survive that.
"You are huge, I don't think it will fit"
"Just relax it will fit"
I relaxed a bit but I still doubt, he came and settled himself between my legs and he kissed my neck, his hands were on my breast, pinching my nipples. I moaned again and he placed his shaft on my entrance and he pushed himself slowly inside me, I winced a little but he kissed me and continued, he pushed until he was inside then he stilled allowing me to get comfortable with his size.
"You can start moving now" that's all it took for him to start fucking me, his pace was slow and steady, he removed his cock out of my vajay then went back in slowly, it was torturous and I wanted more, I was moving up to meet his pace, indicating to him I want more, he got the message and started going faster, my hand were on his hair and shoulder, I could feel my orgasm coming again.
"Daaaan!!" I screamed his name while my orgasm rippled through me, I was soaring on cloud nine. Dan still kept his fast pace until my orgasm was over. He pulled out of me and told me to lie flat on my stomach while putting a pillow under me. Then he entered me again from that position, and started f***ng me again, his pace was faster now and he kept calling my name, I knew he was close, and so was I. After a few more strikes we both came undone while moaning each other's name. I was exhausted I just lay there, Dan went to the bathroom and a moment later he came with a wash cloth and wiped me clean.
"Sleep now baby before I decide to attack you again" then he kissed my cheeks and I fell asleep smiling. I woke up the next day with a terrible headache, I searched for my phone from beside me but I felt someone on my bed, I turned fast to be met by Dan's face and everything from last night came back to me, well I don't regret what happened and to be honest I would like to have that again.
I searched for my phone until I saw it on the desk across the room, I took it and saw it was midday already, I hoped into his bathroom took a quick shower dressed in my clothes and went out of his place, I was hungry and I decided to pass by the chips mwitu vendor to by some before going to my place and catch up on more sleep.

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