Chapter five

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Part 5
4 years later
"Hurry up Dan you are the one to open the club today and I will follow after I pick Kim from the school, it's almost 3pm"
"Okay love, give me a kiss and I'll go" he told me while tapping his lips with his index finger. I kissed him and shoved him out of our house. I sat there at the sofa waiting for the school bus to drop my son. As I lay there my mind drifted to my past, to how I got to where I am now.
After my phone call with Ken I lay in my bed thinking alot, I had a lot of dreams with my life and a baby was not one of them. I felt hopeless, the person responsible has denied the responsibility. I contemplated on abortion but I knew I wouldn't live with the guilt of killing an innocent baby. He or she didn't ask to be here. I decide to have the baby and forget about Ken.
Later that night Dan came back from work direct to my place, he brought me food and I was glad since I hadn't cooked or had the energy to go out. I ate and we slept, well more like he slept and I cried silently.
When we woke up I already made up my mind, I will be moving far from this place and settle somewhere away from Ken. I felt good about that. I talked to Dan about my plans and he decided to move with me. He was so supportive and I was glad to have him in my life.
In the next few months we searched for a better town to settle in, did a lot of traveling and finally settled on Nakuru town. We opened a club there and the business flourished more than I had anticipated.
Dan was sweet and he stayed by my side through the weird pregnancy cravings, my hormones which were all over and he was there from the first doctor's appointment to the birth of our son. We stayed together but I didn't marry him. I still had feelings for Ken after all these years even though I tried so hard to forget him.
I was intimate with Dan and I've grown fond of him, though I still see him as my best friend he is the manager at the club and we are co-owners. Since I didn't save a lot to start up by myself and I still needed money for the baby and all, I agreed to open the club together.
             'end of flashback'
"Mommy I'm home" Kim shouted from the door as he rushed and wrapped his small arms on my knees, I bent down and picked him up kissing his cheeks.
"How was school today baby"
"It was good, I painted a picture of our family mommy let me show you"
He removed a pice of paper from his backpack and showed me his painting, there was a man and a woman holding a boy's hand.
"Tell me baby who are this people?"
"Its me, you and Daddy" he said pointing at the picture. He calls Dan daddy since he was there from the day he was born. Although he is a splitting image of Ken.
"Good work my boy, now let's get you out of this uniform, I want us to do your homework and feed you before I go to work" I usually assist him with his homework and a little of mommy and son time before I leave him with his nanny. I only got to see him in the evenings since I'm always tired and sleepy in the mornings to wake up.
We finished up and I went to my room to take a shower and get ready for work, Kim was outside playing with the neighbors kids and his nanny was busy preparing dinner for when we get back from work.
I went to work by 7pm and I was met with a huge crowd tonight being Friday. I immediately start my routine of checking if my staff were okay and if there is any complain and that the customers were served well. I went to the office we shared with Dan and I found him there deep in paper work.
"Hey babe what are you so immersed into?" I asked him
"Some deliveries that are supposed to arrive tomorrow I just want the invoice of the last delivery and the cheque to be ready by the time they get here" he said standing up and approaching me. He grabbed my waist and kissed me deep and hungry. I let myself be drowned in that kid until I felt the need to breath. He continued kissing my neck and I tried to stop him from going far.
"Dan stop it, someone might see us and you have to get back to your paperwork"
"No one will enter the office without knocking first and the paperwork can wait I need you" I couldn't resist anymore as I let him take me there on the desk. It was a quick but satisfying session that left us panting. I rushed to the washroom in the office and cleaned myself before heading out and continued with my work. The night went on well and later we closed up and went back home. I take the bus to work every weekday but drive with Dan back home.
The following day we woke up at around 11 am since we had to take Kim to the mall to play. We do that every two weeks and call it family time. It was our little perfect family. I prepared Kim and myself then we all had a brunch before heading out.
We arrived at the mall we decided to tour the place and do a bit of shopping before going to the playground. We were currently at the lift waiting for it to take us up. But when the lift doors opened I stood there shocked as Ken walked out and he too seems to see us. His gaze traveled to Kim who was holding both our hand then back at me.

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