Chapter 16

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Everyday I got this feeling that whatever I do Dan is always by my side. I have this comforting feeling that he is always there.

I was on my way to the airport to go and meet a business partner who was supplying us with some coke and there was some problem he encountered ith the payment. He needed me personally and I was to go and sort it out.

I left Kim with Brenda, now I have a assurance that she will take care of him fully. It was a weeks trip to Mexico and I'm sure I'll be missing my baby so much.

The flight was comfortable and I reached Mexico early morning. There was a guy standing with a board with my name's on it, I approached him and he took me to see the person I was meeting. He had a very complicated name so I chose to call him 'my associate ' it was even safer in this business.

I conducted the business, sort out the payment and discussed how he will be receiving his payment without complications in the future. I took two days to rest and explore Mexico before returning to Kenya.

I was relaxing on one of the beaches when a very hot Mexican guy approached me. He flirted with me for a few minutes and I was tempted to go with him. I decided to have a drink with him at the bar which lead to us kissing.

I kissed him while he carried me bridal style to his hotel room. We continued kissing but the moment he touched my breast something in me sparked and I felt like I was cheating on Dan. I stopped immediately and run from his room to mine.

I contemplated on packing and go back home that same day but I was ready for all the process of changing my flight. So I just checked out of that hotel and booked a room into another.

I spent the rest of the two days touring and tasting their cuisines that I really enjoyed. I met some other business partners and I planned on coming back again to discuss about opening a new restaurant with all of this world cuisine in Mexico, Kenya and all over the world. Thanks to Dan's money.

I flew back to Kenya and went straight home. I was greeted by the most shocking sight I have ever encountered. Bullets were flying everywhere and I could hear the faint screams of Kim. Immediately I went into fighting mode and I rushed to the building near the gate where I store some of my weapons. I took the AK 47 and some revolvers pistols and magazines. I load all the guns and stored some ammunition in my pockets. I followed Kim's scream.

I was fuming and really angry at whoever decided to ambush my home with my kid inside. As I was approaching the house through the back door someone grabbed me and as I was about to scream he covered my mouth and turned me around. I gasped when I found out it was Dan who was supposed to be dead. I kicked him hard on his stomach he stumbled back and curses.

"Damn it Kay, I never thought you could be this strong"

"Oh my God, it's really you, how are you here? Are you a ghost of an Angel, scratch that, you are a ghost"

"Kay, it's not time for jokes, let's go get our son then I'll explain everything later."

At the mention of our son I dashed towards the house with Dan on my tail. We entered the house and found it chaotic. There were a few men all armed. Dan instructed me to go find Kim while he deals with the men.

I went to find Kim and when I reached his room found a man who was holding him and trying to gag him. That fueled my anger and I sneaked on him then kicked his knee. He fell to the ground and I took Kim and rush out of the house. The men got up and tried to shoot at me but I was fast and I shot him on his thigh making him fall down face first.

I left him there and run with Kim. I talked to him trying to comfort him. Some other men came and I started shooting at them. Where the hell is Brenda? I dodged a few bullets but was hit on my arm with one. I was almost dropping Kim but Dan appeared and helped me.

He took us out of the house to another place that we always hang out at the foot of our fence. I stayed there trying to control my bleeding and comforting Kim who was really terrified. This is the reason I never wanted him associated with this kind of life. I wanted to protect him and put him away but seeing how things always turn now I want to enroll him to karate and taekwondo classes.

A few moments later I heard the gunshots stopped. I scooped Kim up and rushed to the scene. Brenda came to us looking like she could pass out any moment. I rushed to her and put Kim down to examine her. She was bleeding everywhere and I couldn't make where she was shot.

She tried talking but I stopped her, I lifted her blouse up and there was three bullet wound on her chest. She coughed and blood started coming out if her mouth. It's there and then I knew we couldn't save her. I just hold her hand while Kim took her other hand and I stroked her hair telling her it's okay. After a few coughs her chest relaxed and she closed her eyes and I knew she was gone.

I tried to hide my tears but I couldn't. It just flows and it's like Kim knew what was happening since he was crying holding her hands. I picked him up and went to look for Dan.

There were bodies everywhere I hid Kim's face on the crook I'm my neck. After searching around for a bit I found Dan with Ken wrestling and it looked like Ken had an upper hand. He was about to hit Dan on the head with a gun but I took my pistol and shot home twice in the head.

I run to Dan and he hugged us both. Kim was excited to see his dad again. I heard the police sirens and I told Dan and Kim to drive out of there while I handle the police. They took Dan's car and drove off.

I went to the front gate and met the police there coming in. I told them how I just arrived from a trip to find chaos. They concluded that Ken was here to kill us and it was Brenda who shot him before she died. I was clean of any charges and they took me to the hospital while they cleaned my house.

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