Chapter 11

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It's been a week since Ken woke up, and today he was getting out of the hospital. I was really excited to bring him back home, but I can't take him to mine and Dan's house, I'm human and I can't take another man to our house. So Ken will be going back to Nairobi after his discharge.

Today I wasn't going to open my bakery since I will be the one in charge of taking Ken back to Nairobi. I woke up early and decided to wear my best dress which was a long red dress with bare back and a sweetheart neckline. I wanted to look good for him.

I arrived at the hospital and I got started on the discharge process, it took me up to an hour to complete everything that is paying the bills, buying his medicines and getting his file since he won't come back to Nakuru  for check ups rather it will be conducted at his hospital of choice in Nairobi.

I entered his room and saw him seating on the bed with his hospital gown, I approached him and hugged him tightly, when I let him go he pulled me back and kissed me full on my lips, he nipped my bottom lips asking for entrance but I denied him. He didn't let go instead he spanked me on the ass which made me Yelp granting him full access to my mouth. To say I didn't miss his kisses would be a lie, so u let myself drown into his kiss

We kissed passionately for a few minutes and things started to escalate rather fast and I pulled away.

"As much as I would like to continue, this is not the place let's get back home and maybe we can continue" i told him.

"Babe I want you here and now, I like the adrenaline and the thought of being caught, and I fucking missed you, four years is a long time to wait any longer"

He grabbed my waist and squeezed me to his erection, and I lost all my free will when he started kissing my neck and I got weak to my knees that I hold on to him to not fall down.

He kissed me from the neck to my collar bone then back up to my ears and started nibbling my earlobe, I bit my bottom leap to prevent myself from moaning.

"Babe I would like for you to scream my name but I can't have us heard, I want to worship every part of your body, damt it the time won't allow so I'll be quick my love"

And with that he lifted my dress up, pulled me so I was straddling his hips and he pushed me on to the wall. With a swift  move he slided my pantie aside and entered me with a force that my back pressed harder on the wall.

"Oh my goodness, you are even tighter, you feel good, I missed you so fuck I much"

He  glided inside me with upward motion that has his hips on my clitoris, he had one hand on the wall and his other hand on my butt, he was kissing my neck but he suddenly stopped everything.

"Damn it, I can't hold on anymore, I want to cum already"

He took me to the bed laid me down and entered me again. He was pushing in and out of me while his thumb was circling my clit, I too was almost there, his words were like sweet knots inside me pulling me closer to my orgasm.

"Fuck it Kay, I'm coming, I can't hold it anymore and please don't close your eyes, I want to see you cum" he pumped faster inside me and I was thrown to the edge, the sweet sensation bursts through my entire body and I clenched on his manhood milking him dry. We never broke eye contact until we heard the door being opened.

Ken jumped from me and I stood up letting my dress down and we were somehow decent before the nurse walked in.

"Mr Ken here is your clothes, I will leave you to get changed and you are free to leave after" she said giving us a look that said       ' I know what you were up to '.

Ken changed and we're were out of the hospital. I wanted to have lunch before driving him back to Nairobi.

" Why don't we grab something to eat first before we leave?" I asked.

"Kay I have a simple request, can I see Kim before I go back?"

" I don't think that will be a good idea Ken, I haven't told him anything yet, so maybe let me talk to him first then you'll see him?"

" I won't tell him anything, I just want to get to see him, just for lunch then I will give you the time you need to talk to him"

I didn't see that as a bad idea, seeing him won't be bad as long as he doesn't tell him the truth. So I called Brenda told her to bring Kim to a certain restaurant in town.

They arrived and we ate our lunch with Kim leading the conversation, he is a talkative kid and he doesn't shy away from people he sees with his mum. They clicked right away with Ken and you could see on Ken's face he was happy to have a conversation with Kim.

Kim was eating spaghetti and meatballs and he started playing with his food, I tried to make him stop but he didn't listen to me, but when Ken asked him to stop he immediately does which made me a little bit jelous.

" I already like him alot, can we tell him the truth now and maybe go back to Nairobi as a family, let's forget about all that happened and this town"

" Ken just because of what happened at the hospital doesn't mean we are a happy couple, there is a lot of things I need to do and I need time first, just give it time, don't rush it."

"I don't want to loose you again, I'm ready to do anything to have you back in my life, I will go back to Nairobi and wait for you babe"

" That's good, let's finish up and get going before it gets late, I need to drive you there and get back to my business."

We finished eating, Brenda and Kim went back home and now I was driving towards Nairobi. There is this habit we had where we blast music on the car radio and sing along and funny it's past four years and the habit didn't die. We sang and talked all the way to Nairobi, traveling with Ken was never boring.

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