chapter 10

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Part 10
We reached at the secret safe house in less than 1hour and immediately I went inside my son came running to me, I lifted him up and hold him close to me.
“Mommy I missed you so much, where is daddy?”
“I’ve missed you too munchkin, daddy has travelled a bit he will come back soon”
I didn’t have the courage to tell him what happened, I know he loves Dan as his daddy, how can I start telling him that he isn’t his daddy but ken? I took him to his room to play while I talked with the police and the nanny, I updated Brenda the nanny about the situation, she was a little bit shaken but I know her to handle things well.
The night went smoothly we had dinner with the police who were stationed there and later retired to bed, I decided to share the bed with Kim since he would talk my ears off and I won’t have time to get depressed over this whole situation.
We talked and sang with Kim until he fell asleep but I got a hard time finding sleep. I finally slept in the wee hours of the morning, I was deep asleep when I heard a knock in my door, I dragged myself and opened it to find a distressed looking police officer.
“Excuse me ma’am, you are needed at the hospital, it’s about ken”
I ran like a mad woman around my room changing out of my pjs to decent clothing and rushed out of the house to the police car that was at the gate, I hoped in and we drove to the hospital. We arrived and I sprinted to kens room, I couldn’t believe what I saw, there were more than 5 doctors and three nurses and I could see they were trying to bring him back since the line was flat, I opened the door and went straight to Ken holding his hand.
“Please ken come back, I love you please come back to me, I wish I never left you and I promise to never leave you if you just come back, please, please” I was crying uncontrollably, I can’t lose the love of my life, I can’t be in this world without him, I can’t tell Kim his real daddy whom he’s never seen has died on us, I need him back to our lives, I love him more than the air I breath.
“Miss step away from the patient, we are losing precious seconds here” the doctor said and two nurses dragged me out of the room. I tried to resist but it was a lost cause, now I was back outside watching my love dying, I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even hold his hand and let him know he died when loved, I didn’t get the chance to apologize to him. The tears were flowing but when I saw the doctors shaking their heads in defeat I lost it and cried loudly. I entered the room and went to ken, I hugged him and started kissing his cheeks, he was still warm and he was still breathing since the machine was doing it for him.
“I’m sorry miss, we did everything we could” a doctor said “time of death, 7:5..”
He didn’t finish the sentence since the machine started beeping again and the all rushed to him taking tests on him, it was all so fast that we didn’t realize ken has woken up until he called my name and we all turned to look at him, he tried to speak again but he couldn’t and just like how he woke up he closed his eyes and didn’t respond again. The doctors told me he is stable now and he went back to coma and they don’t know when he will wake up, but they were positive he will.
Two months has passed since that day, I visit ken every day at the hospital, he was completely healed but hasn’t woken up yet, Dan was taken to court and after his case was heard he was found guilty of several murders, selling of prohibited drugs, attempted murder on ken and many other offences he committed which I never knew about. Simon, Dan’s right hand man was never found but he was on the wanted list. Kim doesn’t know about anything, I never found the courage to tell him, he knows Dan is on a long trip around the world.
I went back to work but not in the club, I didn’t want any place associated with Dan so I opened a simple bakery. As usual before I go to work I would pass by ken talk to him and go to work. I went to the hospital and went straight to ken’s room. I took a seat at the side of the bed and hold his hands talking to him about my day, about Kim and how I miss him daily.
Suddenly I felt him squeezing my hands and I knew he was awake, I smiled and pressed the call button for a nurse to come and check on him, they arrived and called the doctor who came with his team too. All this while ken was looking around like he didn’t knew where he was, though he was still holding my hands. He turned to me and spoke.
“Who are you?” he asked me and everybody froze in that room, did he really lost his memories? This can’t be good. He needs to know me; I have waited for him to wake up to tell him I love him. I looked at him and I saw him smirk.
“I was kidding, I know you Kay, the girl that drives me insane but I still love her” he said with a wink and I couldn’t hold myself I pulled him and kissed him on the lips deep, until the doctor told us to stop and the started testing him again.

Any comments today? Where do you think Simon ran off to? Will Kay have her happy ever after with Ken? Will Kim accept Ken as his dad? Leave a comment.
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