Chapter 17

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Part 17

"Kay, from the very first time I saw you, walking into that club in Nairobi all dressed up and looking very beautiful I knew I wanted to be with you, o was having a late lunch on a restaurant close to your work place, I loved you there and then. I have never loved another. I decided to get a position in that club as a waiter so that to be close to you, my friend owns that club by the way, back to what I was telling you, I swore to have a future with you no matter what, and now I have you and Kim, you two are the most important part of my life, I never want to loose you again. Please marry me"

I was shocked and happy at the same time. I loved him and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him but I never expected him to propose, let alone on one knee. So I nodded a yes.

"Can you please use your voice to give me an answer"

"Yes, I'll marry you Dan"


"I'm going out for an errand Kay, I want you and Kim to meet me at the highlands restart at six in the evening and dress fancy I'm taking you two to dinner" Dan told me as he was heading out of the house.

I spend the day pampering myself and Kim preparing for tonight's dinner. It's been a long time since we went to dinner as a family. Since the fight and losing Brenda everything was down.

We buried Brenda in her family home in Kirinyaga. The service was short and really emotional. Her parents never knew what her job was. They knew she died a heroin protecting Kim. That's what I wanted her to be remembered for.

On the other hand I got richer since all Ken's property and money was left on mine and Kim's name. I didn't want it but since he was an orphan and his will read both our names I had no choice. I took some of the money and gave to Brenda's family.

The time arrived and I drove to the restaurant where I found Dan seated at the far corner. I marched to him and immediately we settled down we ordered and ate.

It was during the dessert time that I saw him getting on his knees like he was looking for something then he proposed.
                  End of flashback

He lifted me up and twirled me around while everyone was clapping at the restaurant. Even Kim was clapping. He kissed me in the lips and while he was about to deepen the kiss I pulled back signaling Kim.

He laughed and sat down while we continued enjoying the dessert. I was happy that finally everything was going good in our lives. There had been no more fights and business was booming.

We were planning on going to the Mexico again but as family and to also discuss about the restaurant business we would open all over the world.

After the dinner we drove to the lake and stayed there asking and playing until it was late in the night. It was a really beautiful day.

The next day I called my best friend and my parents who I rarely talked to since I started working at the club. My best friend was thrilled about the knees but my parents pretended to be okay.

"So babe, I wanted the wedding to happen in the next one month, I want you to have my name and also be mine legally"

"Which of your names will be getting?" I asked him while laughing.

"Stop joking Kay, off cause I'd want you to have my real second name, I retained that name for this purpose and no one knows my second name"

"Mhh, then I can't wait to be Mrs Thiga, I love the sound of that" I said while laughing.

"I love that too"

"But Dan one month I too soon, I can't be able to organize everything"

"Don't worry sweetheart, I will pay for the organizers and planners and everything to make that day perfect for you"

"I don't care how the day turns, as long as I get to be with you and marry you and have your last name"

"Me too Kay, now get over here so I can have a taste of you, I missed out on having you in my arms for a long time, now I can't waste any moment"

I finished my nightly routine and jumped in his waiting arms. Since the day after the fight he has been a little sex crazed, we've been going at it like rabbits. But I can't complain. I love how he knows my body and how to give me pleasure.

That month flew by and it was my wedding day already. I was wearing a cream dress with a veil and my make up was done. I walked down the aisle feeling anxious and ready to be married by the man we've been through a lot together and came out strong.

The ceremony was colourful and beautiful. Everything was how I always wanted it to be. We said our vows and the priest pronounced us husband and wife.

We went to Maldives for our honeymoon for a month. If I wasn't concept about Kim since he was with my parents I would have stayed longer.

After the honeymoon we went back to our normal routine and the business was doing great. Dan with his new identity life was good to him too. His parents never knew he was alive and he wanted to keep it that way. I don't understand why.

Everything was back to normal except I really miss Brenda. She had became a part of the family.

My marriage with Dan was a bed of roses, we had a few arguments but always worked out our difference. I'm so glad to have stick with him

            THE END

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