Chapter seven

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I woke up in a cold and dark room but I was in a comfy bed, I tried to adjust to my surrounding but my head was hurting like a bitch. Then it hit me I was kidnapped. My heart started racing and I was having shortness of breath the room was pretty cold but I was sweating profusely. The panic hit me hard the moment I remembered my son. I was praying against all odds that he is okay with Dan. I hope they are both okay.
I heard someone opening the lock and switch the lights on blinding me. After a moment I looked up expecting to find someone I know but to my dismay the person standing in front of me was a stranger, I’ve never seen him before now.
“Looks like the kitten is up” said the man
“Who are you, and what do you want from me?” I asked
“Just be patient enough and soon you’ll know why you are here”
“If its money I can give you whatever you want just let me out of here I need to get back to my family”
“Oh your family are alright don’t worry they have been taken care of”
“What do you mean they’ve been taken care of, did you hurt them are they okay?” by now I was shouting and loosing my mind, I can’t survive if anything bad happened to my baby boy.
“You need to let me out of here now or I swear I will kill you” okay that’s kind of crazy since he has the upper hand but I needed to do something. Suddenly the door bursts open and came another unfamiliar face and he looked pissed of
“What have you done Simon? The boss specifically told us not to touch even a single hair from her head” the second guy spoke to the first guy whose name was Simon.
“I didn’t do anything, she just became hysterical demanding to be released, what time is the boss getting here?”
“He said he will be here in the next 20 minutes”
All this time they were talking I was wondering who tis boss is, and why was he protecting me, or was he someone who wants to sell me or do I know this boss person? All this questions runs through my mind making my head hurt more.
“Please let me out of here, I need to see a doctor I have a terrible headache,”
“I will go get you some aspirin and you will be okay it’s just the effect of the drug we used it will wear off” Simon said. I wanted to refuse but I was feeling terrible and I wanted the feeling to go away. So when he brought me the tablet and I glass of water I swallowed without hesitation. He took the glass back and they left the room, this time leaving the lights on.
I stood up and tried to look around for a way I can escape but the windows were grilled. I saw a door at the corner of the room and I went straight to it hoping I can find a way to escape but when I opened it I saw it was a bathroom. It’s like seeing a toilet made me get the urge to use it, I went ahead and did my business washed my hands then got back to the bed miserable since I can’t find a way to escape.
I sat there staring blankly at the door that the two men went out of, I wanted to go and unlock it but I doubt they left it open. But I guess it won’t hurt to try. I went to it and pulled the handle and to my surprise it was open, I got out silently to realize I was standing in a long hallway, with about five doors on each side. I walked straight ahead in the hopes I will find an escape route.
I know I was kidnapped and I’m supposed to be freaking out but I can’t stop myself from admiring the place. It was beautiful, there was a huge golden chandelier hanging from above, the walls were clean white and the doors to each room was brown with lovely handles and locks, I reached the end of the hall and there was stairs that led downstairs, it was a double stair with golden railing. This place everything screamed rich which made me wonder why they have me if they are this rich. I took a path that led to me to a dining area with a huge dining table shaped like a leaf, the chairs were cushioned and they looked comfortable. I went ahead to find myself in my dream kitchen, straight from my dreams. With every kitchen appliance I have ever dreamed of having, it was purely beautiful.
I heard sounds coming from somewhere in the house and I panicked I run out of the kitchen but instead of getting out I was standing in a living room that was as beautiful as the rest of the house. Huge comfortable couches, big 85inch screen. This place was a mansion. But my admiration was cut short by the sound of a car outside. I stood there frozen like a deer caught in headlights. The front door opened and Dan entered. To say I was relieved would be an understatement. I run straight to him and hugged him.
“OH my God Dan you’ve come to same me, thank you, where is Kim? Are you alone? There are tw-“
“Boss you are here, welcome, just like you said she wasn’t any trouble” said Simon
“Boss? Are you the one who kidnapped me?” I turned to Dan angry and ready to kill, if i was a cartoon am sure smoke would be coming out of my ears by now.
“Kay I will just go straight to the point, I love you and I can’t let you go back to Ken, so I’m keeping you here until you learn that it’s me you should be with”
“Where is Kim, and how can you afford to keep me at this expensive place?”
“Kim is okay I took him and his nanny to my parents place they know we are on vacation, and this whole place is mine I own the whole of this ranch”
“How I don’t understand”
“MY naïve little angel, I’m rich than you will ever imagined, I just worked at that bar in Nairobi to get you, that’s how much I love you, and the business back in Nakuru it was just for my money laundering, have you heard about KingPInJamal?”
“Yes the biggest drug lord in Kenya? What about him?”
“I am him”
That’s when I started to panic, I have been living with the most wanted criminal that no one ever seen his face, I have been putting my life and my sons in danger, this is the reason I need to get far away from him. But I have to act smart.
“Please don’t hurt me or Kim, I will stay and I will do anything you want, just spare us”
‘As long as you stay with me I won’t hurt you, I love you Kay” his voice was soft and if he didn’t tell me I would never imagined him as a criminal.
“I brought food now let’s go to the dining and eat, how do you like the mansion, I build it to your preference it’s your home “
I didn’t answer him but that explained why the house looks like my dream home. If it was under other circumstances I wouldn’t leave this place. But I have to get away from all this madness.
After the meal I pretended to hug him and stole his phone I excused myself to go to the washroom. I went inside and dialed the only number I know, Ken’s, he picked up after the second ring.
“Hallo Ken I don’t have much time to talk, but please find me, I’ve been kidnapped by Dan and he is kingpinjamal, I don’t know where I am, track my phone I know its somewhere here”
Immediately I said that the washroom door was knocked down and there stood a very pissed off Dan.

Tada!!!! Finally we know the kidnapper, how do you like the turn of events? What's your reaction to kingpinJamal? Stay tuned for more drama
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