Chapter 12

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Part 12
We reached Nairobi late that evening and headed straight to his home at South C estate. Suddenly Ken was very quiet and seemed deep in thoughts.

"Hey, what's up? If it's about your business I talked to your partner when you were at the hospital and he handled things here" I told him.

"No babe it's not about the business, there is something I need to tell you, and am not sure how"

"Don't tell me you have a woman in your house, and why did she never even once visited you in the hospital?"

"No, no it's not a woman, you are the only woman in my life, just park over here and let's get inside, I will explain everything"

I parked the car where he showed me and we entered his house. I trust Ken and whatever it is that he is telling me I will understand, as long is it's not about criminal activities.

"By the way I wanted to ask you how did you get shot? You had the upper hand in the fight, and what shocked me is that the gun that shot you was registered under your name, tell me you had a gun for your business and money protection"

"Let's order some chicken periperi pizza and milkshakes since I know it's your favorite and I'll tell you all about it"

We ordered the pizza and he went ahead to freshen up while I took that time to reply to some messages and emails on my phone. After he was done the pizza was already there and we ate in silence only general talk.

"Kay, 3 years and someone approached me with a once in a life time opportunity, and I knew if I let it go I will be stupid"

"Which opportunity was that, I hope it has profits, but I can see from where I seat you have been richer than when I left this place"

"Yes it has the profits but I don't know how you'll take it, just promise to listen to the end without interrupting please?"

"Okay I promise I won't interrupt you, go ahead, but I hope you are not in the drug business"

"No, I'm not in the drug business, that I can assure you."
I sighed.

"Well someone as I told you approached me with 100k Kenyan money but it was all fake, he told me to circulate it in my business and he will only need 50k from that, at first I was hesitant but later I agreed and in a few weeks all the amount was circulated and I was 50k reached, it went on like that that I decided to invest big on that opportunity,  I even got into agreement with the bank tellers and gave them the same process, now I don't even circulate the fake money myself anymore, I just concentrate on my 3 business while people make me rich"

When he finishes talking I just stared at him, I couldn't believe Ken was now in this wash wash business, it's a dangerous and risky business. Now I understand why he needed a gun, if he is in this business he definitely needs one.

"Please say something Kay"

"I don't even know what to say, why did you agree to this kind of getting rich, your business was growing and you could've make it without dirty deals"

"I know that but I didn't see the harm in getting that extra cash, now I can afford to do whatever I wanted to without risking my business to fall"

"I don't understand you Ken, I thought you were the good one, I thot you'll never involve yourself in this dangerous games, I even wanted to come back and be with you here, but how can I when I left Dan for the same reason, I don't wanna be caught up in any of this, I need to have a simple life with my son, please I need to go, and don't ever show yourself to us ever again, unless you stop all this madness"

I stood up gathered my purse and the car keys and head out of his house, but before I could even open the front door he was already blocking my way.

"I can't allow you to leave me again after getting you back Kay, please if you understand all this you will get to know I can't refuse deals to make extra money, just promise you will give me a chance to prove to you that this business is not dangerous"

" I need to think about it endlessly, give me time and maybe I'll understand why you are doing this, for now just let me go please"

He moved aside and opened the door for me, he even escorted me to the car and opened the driver's door, I got inside, started the car told him goodbye and drove out of his estate and out of Nairobi.

I drove in silence thinking about everything that went down, the only person I trusted was now a criminal too, I know I have to report him but I don't have the courage to.

I don't understand why my life is surrounded buy criminals, first it was Dan now it's Ken. The way I have always been a rule follower,  I never even threw dirt on the street let alone big mistakes.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't see a car coming out of the bush and parked in front of me, I stepped on the break and hoped I won't crush.

The car came to a screeching halt a few feet from the other car, and I sat there wondering what is going on.

I didn't wonder for long since Simon came out of the other car and approached mine. Now I was wondering if Dan sent him to finish me.

I don't wanna die, I can't leave my son young. He still need his mother. I was waiting for Simon to take out a gun and pull the trigger finishing me but instead he knocked on my window.

I slid the window down hoping to not be killed or kidnapped again

"Hey Kay, I'm here to deliver a message from Dan, he wants to see you in prison, find time and go see him, and if you don't I wouldn't mind dragging you there myself"

"Why would Dan want to meet me?"

"I don't know, that for him to know and for you to find out" and with that he left.

Now all that was in my mind was should I go see Dan?

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