Chapters 14

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It's now been a full weekend of thinking if I can really be capable of what I got myself into by agreeing to Dan's proposition. I have always bden the ond to avoid fights and a strong supporter of anti- gun movements.

It was on a Sunday and I was on the couch watching my favorite series Lucifer and laughing like a crazy person. Kim was on the floor playing trucks with his toys. 

After four episodes I decided to go to the kitchen and cook dinner tonight. I miss my cooking and of late I haven't had the time to make even a simple meal.

I left Kim on the living room floor and Brenda was on her room doing God knows what, she has been there the entire day. I took out my phone and connected to the Bluetooth speaker so as I'd listen to music while cooking.

I took out the ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs with sauce and went ahead to prepare. I was so engrossed in my cooking that I didn't realize that already dark outside and I haven't seen Kim in a while. I called out his name and no answer, I started to freak out and rushed to the living room.

There he was building Legos with a man I've never seen him before. I discreetly rushed to Brenda's room and alerted her of the situation. She told me to stay behind but me being me I never listen so I followed her.

By the time we reached the living area the man was already waiting for us.

"So you are the famous Kay, Dan's treasure, I now realize why he went to prison and still have the love for you, you are a sexy ass woman and I'm here to take a taste" he said.

"Not unless I'm dead first, you can't touch my boss while I'm here you freak of a man" Brenda replied.

"Now the maid has decided to defend you, Ha Ha Ha, what can a lowlife like you do to stop me from getting what I want?"

And with that he launched on to me, I tried with all my might to defend myself but I was as weak as a defenseless child, I tried to look for help from Brenda and I saw her taking Kim to his room and locked the door after telling him something.

She came back and lifted the man from me while giving him a knee to the groin. The man clutches his groin and whimpered away in pain but came back after a few seconds.

I sat there not helping just watching the fight go on. He swing his elbow and hit Brenda on the cheek which made her curse. Something she has never done before. He threw another punch but she was quick to dodge and she elbowed him on the stomach, ouch that seems to have hurt, I was scrunching my face and occasionally shuddering from their hits.

The man then locked Brenda in a headlock and I could see he was trying to suffocate her but Brenda took that time to stomp real hard on his foot which made him let go cursing and throwing abusive words towards her. Brenda swiped her leg hitting his and he went tumbling down.

She then climbed on him and with her thumbs she pressed his eyes which made him throw her away. She landed on the floor and the man kicked her on the ribs and I heard a crack. She must have broken a rib or something, that fueled her anger and she rose steady while kicking him on the groin again. When he bend down she knees him on the face which resulted to him falling on his back. She raised her leg and stomped his head severally with the heel of her boots and I heard crack after crack and after a while the man stopped moving. Oh my God she has killed him. All this while I didn't move from the ground.

"That's what lowlife maids do to people like you" she said while taking out her phone and calling someone. I just heard her on this end asking for code purple cleaning services, which I assumed meant taking the dead guy from my house.

"How long have you been fighting?" I asked her.

"Pretty much since I was small, now I want you to go and stay with Kim while I clean this up and get medical attention, I have a few broken ribs and I need to get this cuts and bruises disinfected"

I stood up and went to Kim's room and he came running to my arms crying.

"Mommy that bad man hurt you, is he gone?"

"Yes baby he is gone, and mama is gonna be here with you"

"I'm really hungry and tired mommy"

"Stay here let me go and get you something to eat."

I left his room and found people scrubbing and brushing all around the room. I passed and went to the kitchen, took a dish and served Kim's meal. From what I saw tonighf I don't think I can stomach any food. I went back to Kim's room fed him, changed his clothing to PJs and tucked him to bed. I kissed his forehead and left him sleeping.

I went out and found the room clean as before, no trace of the man or blood. Brenda was on the couch with an ice pack on her cheeks. I told her good night went into my room showered and hot into my PJs too.

It took a while before sleep cane but I decided tommorow morning I'm going to start the self defense classes together with shooting and hand to hand combat classes. I'm never going to be weak again. I need to defend myself now that bad people are after me and my family.

I woke up early the next day ate a quick breakfast and headed out to the first appointment I made with an instructor in self defense and hand to hand combat.  I reached at the gym he was working at and after brief introduction he started me on the regular cardio exercise and some weight lifting. He said I needed to be strong to start the training. I couldn't agree more. After three hours I was done and tired and I left and headed to my next classes where I would learn to shoot and use a gun.

I went in and was introduced to my instructor whose name was Collins.  He took me to an office and he took out two boxes from a safe on the wall.

"So this box contains pistols also known as handguns, there are five types which are, single shot pistols, multi barred pistols, revolvers, semi automatic and automatic pistols, Dan is a close friend of mine from childhood and he has told me to teach you using revolvers, semi automatic and automatic pistols, though the automatic pistols are not allowed to the civilians, but Dan has a few"

He placed several pistols on the table and he went ahead to tell me the name, type and how powerful they are. I fell in love with the Colt Anaconda .44 magnum revolver, a Glock 17 Gen 4 17+1 semi automatic, and two automatic pistols called the Glock 18 and Berreta 93R.

Later he showed me the long guns also known as riffles and decided to get acquainted with the AK-47, M24E6 machine gun and an M4 carbine commando with grenade launcher. He taught me the rules of handling the guns and after a while I said goodbye and proceeded to have lunch.

I was also going to get the club cleaned and reopen soon. It was Dan's idea so that I can be depositing the money from his drug deals as sales from the club and the bakery. When I went back home that evening i was super tired and I thanked God everything was fine at home and there was no more attacks. Now I will focus on my training and getting stronger and more ready for future attacks, because the business I got myself involved in has guaranteed that.

Hallo lovely people, sorry for the late update. Promise to update soon. Show your love by voting and leaving a comment. Also follow me for more updates.

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