Chapter three

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Part 3
I reached my house thinking about what went down between me and Dan. It wasn't supposed to happen, it's going to make everything weird with us. I'm trying so hard to be okay with it but my conscience wouldn't allow. I did a terrible thing, I know I will hurt Dan's feelings because I ain't ready to start any relationship again. I need a break.
I put my hand with the keys on the lock hole  trying to unlock the padlock but to my surprise it wasn't there. I started panicking maybe I got robbed. Oh God this isn't happening to me. I unlocked the door and pushed it back to see what they stole from me. But I was met with something I wasn't expecting.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Ken
"I wanted to see you and apologize for my behavior yesterday, it was out of line and I'm sorry" he said.
"Ohh so you think an apology will make me take you back?"
"I'm willing to do anything just please take me back, please Kay"
"You know what I'm tired, hungry and I have a hell of a hangover so please just get out of my house I need to eat and rest I have work later"
"Can we just please talk, I will go after I tell you what I wanted to say, I have been waiting for you here the whole night"
" I don't think there is anything you can say now to make me take you back, you left so just go I need to sleep"
" Okay I can wait here until you wake up then we'll talk"
"Are you deaf or something? I told you to go" I was now furious and shouting he don't deserve to just come back like he never left. This is something I don't need now.
"Please just go, and give me back my ke--" I didn't get to finish that sentence since his lips connected with mine, I got lost in that kiss for a second till I remembered he is an idiot. I pushed him with all my might.
"Babe, Kay please let's just talk I still love you and I don't want to loose you"
" You know what since you are so he'll bent on talking go ahead talk, the faster we finish this the faster I can get back to my sleep"
"I was so hurt by your refusal to quit that job I lash out on you, I love you and I want a future with you, I want to take you to my parents and introduce you, I know they can't accept you if they knew where you have been working, babe I Love you so much I find it difficult to live without you"
I rolled my eyes and urges him to continue.
"You are the best thing that has happened to me, I can't accept to loose you, please tell me why can't you leave that job, I'm ready to listen"
Now this isn't going how I imagined, I feel bad for sleeping with Dan now more than ever, I still love Ken, I have always pictured is getting married later in life, he is sweet and thoughtful and always has my best interest in mind.
"Ken like I told you before, I want to own a club one day, and that's why I'm in this job, I want to learn everything there is to know about this business, I will quit but not now, maybe in a year, but right now let me focus on this please"
"It took me to loose you to understand this, I wish I wasn't a jerk and talked to you before, please forg-"
He didn't get to finish what he was saying because there was a knock on my door. I went to the door and opened it. It was Dan.
"Kay why did you leave without letting me know? We had a wonderful and magical night, and I don't regret it, why did you go? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry but I would like to be with you again, I've waited for long Kay I --"
"What the fuck is this Kay? I was out of your life for less that 24 hours and you go screw him? Is this a joke?"
"Fuck this is fuck fuck fuck.. Kay are you back together with him? Dan asked
"No, I don't know, it's complicated, Dan just go back to your place, I will see you at work"
"Fine, but you have some explaining to do" he left banging the door.
"It's not what--" I started
"Yeah it's not what I think, tell me then what is it?"
"I was drunk and I made a terrible mistake which I can't take back, and again it's not like we were together when it happened, you broke up with me remember?"
"Fuck, it's all my fault I shouldn't have broken up with you, please forgive me, I'm willing to let all this pass and start from a clean slate, I love you Kay"
" I'm sorry too, but I would like to take time and think things through, give me time and I will call you I promise"
"Okay, I will just let you be, don't forget to call me, I meant what I said, I love you, bye" he kissed my lips softly and left.
I'm so hungry and sleepy, even my chips was cold now, I reheated it on the microwave and pour myself a glass of juice, I need a lot of energy for what's waiting ahead for me, but first I will just eat and sleep.

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