Chapter four

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That evening when I arrived at work I met Dan waiting for me at the back entrance, he was sitting at the steps with his head held between his knees, he looked tired and miserable.when he heard my footsteps he looked up and smile a bit which never reached his eyes.
"Hey Kay, I'm really sorry for coming to your house and blurted everything out, I didn't realize you had a visitor, please forgive me"
"It's okay Dan I forgive you, but next time before you talk check your surroundings first" I laughed at him while bumping his shoulder with mine.
"Thanks for your forgiveness but I-I there is something I should tell you" he chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head.
"Go ahead it's almost time for our shift to start"
"Uhm Kay, yesterday was amazing and I have been waiting for a long time to have you, will you please be my girlfriend please Kay?"
"Yes last night was amazing but I'm not ready to jump into another relationship soon, and I want to sort my feelings for Ken first before I decide on anything"
"Okay but please consider this Kay I would hate to loose you"
"You won't loose me, and can we act as normal until I figure everything out?"
"Okay, let's go in before the manager shout at us"
I followed him inside and started to work. The night went on fairly well and before I knew it was over. Dan didn't act weird at all, you couldn't even tell we shared a magical night together. The next few weeks flew by good until one day I woke up with a nasty nausea. I tried to ignore it but it was persistent I woke up and puked my gut on the toilet bowl. I felt good and brushed my teeth then went back to sleep. I thot maybe it's something I ate at work.
The nausea and vomiting continued for a week, I was already getting weak and that night I didn't report to work. I called in sick and they gave me a two days sick leave. I planned on going to the hospital the next morning.
I hadn't called Ken to tell him anything about my decision, I plan on doing it tomorrow after I visit the doctor. That night I didn't eat anything, I felt very sick. I woke up the next day pretty early showered and was ready to go. When I unlocked my door I was met by Dan's fist on the air about to knock on the door.
"Hey Dan what are you doing here? I was headed to the doctor"
"I wanted to see how you are doing, mind if I tag along to your visit?"
"No not at all, at least you could hold my hands when they inject me, I fear needles"
"Okay let's get going"
We arrived at the hospital and booked to see a doctor, we went through the process of weight, temperature, blood pressure and blood sugar check at the nurses station then proceeded to the doctor's office. He asked me a few questions and gave me a container to pee on. I did what he asked and took the pee to the lab and they also draw my blood.
After a while the receptionist told us we could go in and get the result. We entered the doctor's office and sat on the arm chair in front of his desk.
"Ms Kay when was your last period?
"I guess it's around the corner for my next so maybe a month ago"
"The exact date if you can remember?"
"Yes that should be on the first of August, I have regular period"
"Do you know what date it is today?"
"Yes, it's around the 20th of September"
"Do you know what that means?"
"Yes I'm almost time for anot--- shit I've missed my period for almost three weeks!!!" I exclaimed almost jumping out of my seat.
"Congratulations you are pregnant"
"No no this can't be happening, I was on pills"
"We all know they are not a hundred percent, anyway I have prescribed some vitamins and pills to help with your nausea it will wear off soon, your next appointment is in 4 weeks"
"Okay, Dan let's go" I dashed out of his office and went straight for the door.
"Wait Kay you need to pass by the pharmacy to get your meds"
I didn't answer I just followed him like a wasted zombie, this can't be happening to me, I was always careful. We gave the pharmacist the note and he gave us the meds I paid and we left the hospital.
I didn't talk to him all the way back to my house, questions were running in my mind, I'm sure the baby is Ken's, he is the only one whom I slept with without a condom, the other person was Dan but he used a condom. Did he or I just imagined? I was drunk that night. This is really bad, I'm not ready to be a mom. No.
I didn't even realised we reached my door, I opened it and we entered.
"Look Kay everything is going to be okay, don't worry, I got you in whatever you decide"
"I'm hungry, I don't want to cook, maybe I should lay down a little"
"Don't worry, just lay there I will go find us food"
I just stared as he went out of the house, I laid on my bed, my mind blank now I didn't want to think anymore. I don't know how long I stayed that way until I heard my door being opened and Dan walked in.
"Sorry I took so long, I bumped into one of my highschool friend and he kept me talking, here is your food"
He emptied the food into the plates and we ate in silence until he spoke at the end of our meal.
"Have you decided on what to do?"
"I should call Ken and see what he says then I will decide from there"
"Okay all the best, lemme head out, I need to catch up on some sleep before work, take care and remember to take your meds"
"Okay bye and thanks Dan"
When I was left alone I decided to call Ken he picked up after the fourth ring
"Hey " he sounded angry what's wrong with him.
"Hey, can you pass by my place, I need to talk to you"
"I'm busy today and I'm traveling tomorrow, whatever it is tell me now or you can wait for a month till I get back"
I was shocked with his tone, it was just a few weeks ago he was all sweet and loving, what changed?
"I.. um.. I.. I--"
"Can you hurry up, I'm busy"
"I'm pregnant and it's yours"
"Ha ha ha, you want me to believe that Kay? Have you forgotten you've been screwing around with that co-worker of yours? Listen I don't believe you and until the baby is born and we get a DNA test I won't be there, call me when you want the test done until then don't bother me, or you can get rid of it" and he hanged up.
Okay that didn't go as expected, but was I ready to kill my baby? Even if all this goes wrong I'm still keeping my baby, I don't need him, I can raise my kid alone, I'm capable. Or it could even be Dan's baby, maybe we will raise him with Dan.

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