Chapter six

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Part 6
"I thought you said he wasn't my son, but by the look of it he is mine" Ken said
"When did I tell you he ain't--" i didn't get to finish the sentence since I saw he wasn't talking to me but Dan
"Dan what is he talking about?" I asked him
"Please Kay can we go talk about this at home I don't want to cause any drama here please let's just go I will explain everything to you once we get home"
"Okay but I seriously need an explanation of whatever is going on"
We went to the parking lot and get our car and drove home, Kim was very sad he didn't get to play but after promising him some screen time and ice cream he was fine. Now all I wanted to know is what the hell just happened. Why did Ken assume Dan lied about him not being the father. I have to get to the bottom of this.
We arrived home a few minutes later and I took Kim to his nanny, I gave her the permission to give Kim the ice cream and to put his favorite cartoon on. After that I followed Dan to our bedroom.
"Care to explain what just happened?" I asked him while folding my arms across my chest and glaring at him.
"It was after he refused to take responsibility that I confronted him and told him he does deserve you and that I will take the unborn kid to be mine"
"Is that all cause I feel like there is more to all this?"
"Yes that's all babe and I stick to my promise to be there for you and my little champ and I love you both and I promise to never let you go"
"I love you too Dan, and thanks for being there for me" I went to him and wrapped my hands against his torso. He lifted my chin up and gave me a deep gentle kiss.
"Okay let's go be with our son, we can watch cartoons and eat ice cream with him, it's our family day after all" he pulled me to the living room and we settled on the floor and soon I forgot all about the drama earlier until my phone vibrated and I picked it up and excused myself.
"Hello, who is this?" I asked since it was a new number
"Hallo, Kay this is Ken please don't hang up, I need to talk to you"
"I'm sorry Ken but I needed to talk to you four years ago but you weren't there I don't see the need now"
"Listen it's not my fault that I blew you up but Dan talked to me and he told me that the baby is his"
"Yes he told you that after you refused to be in his life, so I don't want you in our lives again"
"Kay if you could just please meet me and I will tell you everything, you have to hear both sides of the story"
"Tell me one reason that I should believe you right now Ken?"
"Because I still have feelings for you"
That screwed up my mind, he still loves me, then why did he act so stupid? We could've been a happy family since I still love him. Now I needed to hear his side of the story.
"Okay I'll meet you this once and after that you have to stay away from us"
"It's okay, let me text you the address of the place I'll be having lunch we talk"
"Sawa, I'll be there soon" I hanged up and immediately I received the text. I went back inside and Dan was giving Kim a horseback ride on his back. It was a beautiful sight and I truly appreciate him for being there for my son.
"Hey Dan I'm going out for a bit, it won't take long"
"Where to?"
"I'm meeting Ken there are some things we need to clear" he froze by the mention of Ken, he looked tensed and you could see the worry lines on his forehead.
"That's not a good idea Kay, don't you think he's hurt you enough, please don't go to him"
" I have to, I need to put him behind me and I want some clarity on what happened" I didn't wait for his answer I just took my coat and purse and the car keys and walked out, I want to know the truth once and for all.
I arrived at the address and meet Ken there at a corner table, he stood up and wanted to hug me but I gave him my hand to shake.
"Um- I am sorry for that" he said while scratching his chin.
"Let's get right to it I want to get back to my boyfriend and our baby"
" Boyfriend? As in you guys are not married?"
"That's not the point now speak" i said while leaning back to my chair and looking direct into his eyes.
"Would you like something to eat or maybe drink?"
"Water is just fine" I said while pouring myself a glass of water.
"Kay when you called me and told me you were pregnant I already knew, Dan came by my work place and told me how you guys were dating behind my back and you were pregnant with his kid and I needed to stay away from you and him"
I was shocked but I can't believe Dan would do something like that, that's insane Dan has never lied to me, je has always been sweet to us, how can I believe what Ken is saying is the truth?
" Ken if this is a sick game to get me to leave Dan it ain't happening, you know that right?"
"Trust me Kay, I won't lie to you, if you want go and ask Dan I don't think he will deny that"
"This is too much, why didn't you tell me back then when I called you?"
"I was mad at you and him both, I wasn't thinking straight, please Kay forgive me, I want to get to know my son"
"All this is making my head spin, I need to go, I will get back to you" I stood up and left without glancing back, I only have one mission to get home and talk to Dan. I drove home past the speed limit back to our house.
When I arrived I saw a black van parked outside our gate. I park the car beside it and went down to look who was that. But before I could comprehend anything someone immerges from behind me and put a cloth on my mouth and nose and before I knew all I saw was black and my head was ringing Kim.

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