chapter Nine

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I stood there frozen in my spot, I didn’t have the courage to go and confirm who was shot, and neither of them was moving so it was hard to differentiate who took the shot. I was terrified to check. I’m not a prayer person but in that moment I prayed and hope against all odd that Ken was fine, I also didn’t want anything bad to happen to Dan, I have been living with him for four years and I’ve grown fond of him to an extend I was starting to fall in love with him.
“Miss who would you like to ride with to the hospital” asked a paramedic, I was so zoned out I didn’t realize when the ambulances reached there and now both of them were inside each.
“Wait, what do you mean who? I thought only one got shot?” I was confused now, there was only one gun, how can they both have gunshot wounds?
“Miss we too don’t know how but one of them has a gunshot wound on his chest with a concussion and the other on the abdomen, will you ride with one or will you follow later?”
“Don’t worry Josh, ill escort her to the hospital, just go” a policeman stated.
Now I was in a police car heading to the hospital, I realized we were in Naivasha and we have an hour to reach Nakuru level 5 hospital. All through the ride I was so scared, praying for both of them, I was shocked that for a moment I forgot about my son.
“Excuse me officer, may I borrow your phone I need to call my son’s nanny , I need to know they are safe”
“They are safe, ken suspected where your son and his nanny were and we sent a team there to pick them up, they are in a safe house in an undisclosed location, once we confirm that both Dan and Ken are out of danger I’ll take you there”
“Thank you officer, at least some of my worry has been lifted, but I was wondering who got shot where?”
“Dan got a bullet to his abdomen, he lost a lot of blood, ken has a concussion and a bullet to his chest, he don’t look good, let’s just get there and see how they are”
I stayed quite the rest of the journey until we reached the hospital and we were taken straight to the surgery waiting area, there was a few uniformed police officers roaming the halls, I guess since Dan’s secret about being the most wanted criminal is out and now he is under tight security even on the operating table.
After waiting for a whole 2hours the doctor came out and I rushed to him wanting to know who he was operating on.
“Doctor, who were you operating on and how is he?”
“I was operating on Dan and he is out of danger, he is lucky no major organ was hit and he will recover fully after a short period of time with no problems”
“OH thank God, when can I see him?”
“He is awake in the ICU you can go right in ma’am” after that I rushed to the ICU without even waiting to know his room number, I realized that and was about to go back to the nurses’ station to ask when I saw there was a room with two police officers on the door and I knew that must be Dan’s room, so I went there and they allowed me to pass.
I entered and found him lying on the bed with tubes and wires all over his body his eyes were closed and he looked peaceful, I stood there looking at him and wondering what will happen to him now and if he will be alright.
“Hey you are here” he spoke but you could hear fear and straining in his voice
“Yes I’m here Dan, how are you feeling?”
“Like shit I guess, but am better now you are here, come sit next to me” I took the seat next to his bed and he immediately took my hands in his.
“Dan we need to have a serious conversation, I know I should wait until you get better but I need to say this now”
“Please my love don’t say it, I love you more than the air I breath, please just don’t say it” he had a few tears in his eyes and it pains me to heartbreak him but I can’t live like that anymore I need to get out of this relationship for the sake of my son, this is toxic for his young mind and I was glad he wasn’t around to witness everything that went down.
“Dan, the past four years with you were the best years of my life, I learned to trust you but you broke my trust, I learned to love you and cherish you as someone close to my heart, but I can’t do this anymore, I don’t want Kim to grow in this world of drugs and guns, I want him to have a normal life”
“Kay, I never included you and Kim in that life, I kept it a secret from you to protect you, I never meant to hurt you, and please don’t leave me for ken, you know I won’t allow it” before I could even respond to him the door bursts open and in walked his parents.
“What is this witch doing here, first he took you away from us and now you are in the hospital bed because of her and  I almost lost you because of her, get out now and don’t ever show your face or that bustard of yours to us again” shouted Lillian, Dan’s mother
I was shocked I didn’t know he felt that about me and my son, I’ve only visited her a few times and all those time he was  sweet and caring to us, she has never talked ill of us, she even insisted I called her mum.
“Please mom, don’t talk to Kay like that, I put myself in this situation, apologize to her now mum”
“You see what I was talking about Robert, she has bewitched our son, now he wants me to apologize to her, that’s never happening son, over my  dead body, and you witch get out now.”
I didn’t wait for any other insult I went out of his room with tears streaming down my cheeks, luckily it was a hospital so it was a norm to be seen with a teary face, I went to find out if Ken’s surgery was a success. I roamed the halls until I find the officer who rode with me standing with a doctor I approached them and I could see worry lines on both their foreheads.
“How is he doc?” I asked
“He is out of the surgery but not out of danger, the bullet hit his lungs and now he is using ventilators to breath, his head was hit pretty hard when he fell and he has bleeding in his brain and he went on a coma, he flat lined twice during the surgery and we resuscitated him both times”
“Can I see him?”
“He is in isolated ICU you can only see him through the glass window, but tomorrow you can be able to go in”
He escorted me to Ken’s room and immediately I saw him I broke into sobs, he looked pale and there was no sign of life, there was a tube on his throat, he too had many wires across his body, his head was bandaged and his eyes were shut, you couldn’t tell he was alive or dead, I couldn’t help but feel this was all my fault. I was crying uncontrollably, if only I didn’t involve him in this mess.
“Please come back to me ken, I can’t lose you now, I still love you and I want you to meet your son, I’m sorry I put you there please don’t die on me, just come back to me Ken” I could talk anymore I sat down on the floor and cried my eyes dry.
“Ma’am please let me take you back to your son, he is scared and he needs you” the officer told me, I don’t even know his name and I really don’t even want to start any conversation with him. I didn’t want to leave Ken but our son needs us, so I followed him and headed to my sons location.

Sorry guys I took long to update, work has been hectic this week, but I promise to write soon. What do you think will happen to ken? Will he make it? What will become of Dan? Will he survive prison?

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