Chapter 15

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I have been training really hard for the past few months, I have mastered each and every technique I was taught. I was good and shooting and also hand to hand combat, even my physique has changed and I was more toned now.

Last month I converted one of my spare room into a full equiped gym that we practise daily with Brenda, she has been showing me a few of her moves while practising the ones I've learned.

Today we were practising some defense moves and I remembered something I had to ask Brenda.

"Hey girl, so that time I was kidnapped you knew everything? You could've even told Dan the secret safe house, why didn't you?"

"He wanted you safe, he would never hurt you, he just didn't trust Ken that's why he kidnapped you Kay, to keep you safe from Ken, he really is a good person"

" I believe that now, I have put him through the worst and still he has shown that he loves me no matter what"

" Yes he does, and don't ever hurt him again" she said while kicking me direct on my stomach. I lost focus of the training while I was talking to her and she took that opportunity to really hit my guts.

"Whatever the situation, never let your guard down, always focus on the fight, next time I won't be the one you are fighting"

I agreed with her and we practiced for one more hour then went on our daily routines. The club was on a full swing and starting from tommorow I will be training on handling clients and finances of Dan various illegal business. I was even made to study his ledger book that contains all contact information together with the date and times of his purchase and merchandise. To say it was easy to memorize each and every deal would be a lie.

Later that night an idea came to me, since Kim was on holiday and I have a beautiful home that I didn't get the time to explore, it would be better if I went down there for a week before immersing myself into business fully. I told Brenda to pack their clothes we will be heading there early tomorrow to.

When morning came we did our usual routine and head down to naivasha, I didn't remember the place exactly but Brenda knew where it was. If I wasn't sure that Dan really loves me and only want me I would be so very jealous of Brenda, she seems to know more about Dan than I do.

We arrived, get settled in and our holiday started. We had so much fun like a normal family for about three days then everything suddenly went haywire the day I got a call from prison saying someone poisoned Dan in jail and he is dead. I was needed to arrange his funeral and see a lawyer about his will.

I went to the hospital morgue he was in and I saw his lifeless body on the table. It was hard dealing with all the emotion I had running through me. I just got started with his business and he died when I really wanted him.

After the visit to the morgue, I visited a casket place and ordered one for him. I prepared everything that is needed in about two days and we buried him after three days of him being dead.

His mom as usual caused a scene at the funeral, calling me names and accusing me of killing his son. To make matters worse when the will was read eighty percent of his wealth was directed to me and Ken while his parents only got ten percent and Brenda the other ten percent.

It was an unexpected death and I wasn't even sure I believe he is gone. I saw him being put to the ground and even threw soil on his grave but I still don't believe he is gone.

I felt so empty that all I did to feel alive was to fight, I tried hard, I studied all his business, I went to meetings with Brenda to convince his partners to continue doing business with us. They had little faith in me but trusted Brenda.

Kim was sad about his father's death. He didn't understand what death was but he knew he would never see him again. He has be waking in the middle of the night crying for his daddy and that hit me hard.

The investigation about his poisoning was underway but nothing relevant came up. I even met up with Simon and ask him to ask around in the prison what happened. He didn't seem bothered by anything at he just nodded and left.

Brenda on the other side was the holding us together. There was a time I went to fight in a boxing ring with a male fighter and got really hurt. Fro. That day she hasn't allowed me to go to the gym alone.

Ken has been trying to contact me since the time of Dan's funeral but I haven't talked to him. I know he sees this as an opportunity to get back with me and take Dan's business under him together with the money he left me and Kim.

I was on the club taking a beer on the bar when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and came face to face with Ken and two other men. They all looked official that for a moment I thought he has set me up with the CIDs.

"What do you want Ken?" I asked wearily.

"Kay, you are in big trouble and I'm here to help you, since the death of Dan I have heard rumors that the government will be freezing all your assets and bank accounts to investigate about his murder and his deals, I'm here to tell you you can transfer everything you have in my name then my name and when all this is over I will return every last cent to your name"

"So you think I'm that foolish that I will agree with whatever you are doing? Tell me did you have anything to do with Dan's murder so that you can take everything from us?"

"I wish I had something to do with it, but no, this gentlemen here will help us transfer everything within seconds and then I'll protect you"

"Just go Ken, I don't have even a single cent, everything is in Kim's name, so I'm broke and Dan is dead, there is no way I can transfer anything to you, and if that's all don't show your face to me ever again"

He tried to hold my shoulder but I got under him and twisted his hand until I heard a snap and him cursing at me. He needed to learn am nit to be kicked with anymore especially when I'm still grieving and when it comes to money.

He was directed out of the club with his suit friends, he was still cursing at me and asking when I learnt how to fight. I just flipped him a middle finger and continued with my drink. Lucky it was early and not packed yet so I didn't cause any drama.

I took another five bottles of beer when Brenda entered and dragged me out of the bar while scolding me like a baby.

After much thought and Ken's confrontation I decided to quit the behavior I have established of working, training, drinking and sleeping. That was all I do.

We arrived home and I went to Kim's room to kiss him goodnight, I found him already deep in sleep so I just switched off the light and went to my room. I don't bother to switch on the light I just stripped and jumped under the blankets and closing my eyes.

"I really miss you and I need you here with me Dan" i whispered softly to myself.

"I'll always be here for you, and I miss you too" I heard a reply but I just assumed I was dreaming. So I drifted off and forced myself to dream about Dan and I happy.

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