Chapter Eight

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Part 8
“What the hell are you doing with my phone Kay? “
“I- I – was—I wanted to call Kim’s nanny, I need to speak with him” I was shivering with fear but I managed to delete the call history. I don’t want to be caught calling ken.
“You could have told me instead of sneaking around, you know when it comes to Kim I will do anything, I love him as my own”
“I didn’t know and I was afraid to upset you”
“I love you Kay and I will never hurt you, no matter what, I’m keeping you here to realize it’s me you want and not ken”
I listened to him talk and all the sweet nothings he is telling me, but my mind keeps repeating ‘criminal’ like a chant going on. I would have never guest my sweet loving and gentle Dan to be a drug lord he would never hurt even a fly in all the 3 years I’ve leaved with him.
“Look around Kay I built all this for you, I’ve been listening to all you’ve been saying about your dream house, it’s all up to your taste, everything, now get up from this toilet I want to give you a tour then we’ll call our son together” he pull me up then wraps his hand on my shoulders  and leads us back to the sitting area.
“Look around cupcake, the TV is how you’ve ever imagined, the sofa are all big and comfy,  the walls are painted your favorite color, everything here is yours”
“Thanks Dan it’s really beautiful, now let’s go and see upstairs” I dragged him towards the staircases, I needed to keep him distracted before ken arrives, which will take I don’t know how long. We reached upstairs and he showed me four bedrooms and one master bedroom with hot Jacuzzi inside, there was a king size bed with the softest mattress I’ve ever seen, the room was of gray and lime green theme, it was beautiful.
Later he took me around the house there were four more bedroom downstairs, a study room and a library filled with my favorite authors, and some I don’t even know, I’m already falling in love with this house and for a split of a second I considered staying here forever but my subconscious reminded me of the fact that he is a criminal and I will be putting mines and Kim’s life in danger if I stay with him.
“Now for the better part of the house, this is a surprise lets go outside” Dan said.
I started walking towards the front door but he pulled me back and we went through the kitchen back door to a lovely ground, but I could see some fencing with flowers grown around it, he was so excited to show me whatever surprise it is. I followed him to a gate and he unlocked it with a key and when he opened it wide I screamed with happiness, there was a large pool with beach sand around it and the poolside seats with umbrellas, but the best thing about the pool there was an island that looks like a table and seats where one can sit and eat. It was magnificent. But the fact that he remembered I always wanted a fenced pool made me feel special. I settled into one poolside seat and stared into the water, I looked at time from Dan’s phone and I noticed an hour and half has already passed since I called ken. I had a gut feeling that told me that he was near. I called Kim’s nanny and I talked to them and Dan’s parent too, I told them to keep Kim safe no matter what. They are good church going people. But I’ve learnt to never trust anyone.
Immediately I finished my call I heard police sirens and I knew the war is about to begin, it didn’t pass Dan and he turned to me he was angry.
“What did you do Kay? Are you trying to get us killed or what? Come here I’ll show you where you belong” he dragged me through another door I didn’t know existed towards somewhere that looked like a basement, he punched some code and a door opened where he threw me inside and locked it. Now I was left there all alone and scared.
Soon I started hearing gunshots everywhere, it went on for some time and I was frustrated, I didn’t even know where they were coming from, which team was winning, I was even scared if Dan’s team won what would become of me? Will he kill me and my son? I started pacing around the room.
An idea came to me and I went to the code pad and started punching numbers, his date of birth, mine, the day we met still nothing, I tried a few more combination still nothing, I decided to enter Kim’s birthday and the door opened, I was overwhelmed with joy. I rushed out toward the gunshot sound .
I followed a trail of bodies, some were people I’ve never met, there were two police who were dead and with every step my heart became heavy, I didn’t know what to expect when I get outside. I silently prayed for Ken, also Dan. I didn’t want him to die, but to go to prison. The moment I left the house and stepped on the porch my heart leapt to my mouth, there in front of me Ken and Dan were fighting trying to shoot the other, they had one gun in Dan’s hand while ken was trying to get it. In the middle of their fight the gun went off two shots and ken fell down and Dan on top of him, I couldn’t see who was shot, my legs wouldn’t move so I did the only thing I could, scream.

Don't worry about the short update.
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