Chapter 27

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Ren's family restaurant was located in a beautiful little forest. When she arrived Chae and Jisoo were chatting outside. Jennie checked her make up before getting out the car. The two waved at her happily and as she neared she could hear the music.

"Jennie, welcome," said Jisoo as she pulled her in to a hug. Chae smiled as Jisoo guided Jennie inside. She followed them quietly. The brunette tried to look back to greet Chae but Jisoo was talking to her.

"You look amazing, so I wanted to know if you're looking for new models, you know for your brand?" asked Jisoo as they sat at a table with the others. They all greeted her happily and she found it refreshing to see them in day clothes.

"Jennie!" Jiequong hugged her and Rena asked how she was. She spoke lightly with them and saw that Chae was sitting on the edge, three people away from her. Trying to ignore the need to sit next to her, Jennie listened as DK asked her to hook him up with any of her friends.

During the second set of the band's performance, Ren's mom brought them trays of snacks and drinks. The restaurant was packed and the band were fantastic. Chae watched happily as Jennie and Chungha laughed at something Jisoo said. Aron place a hand on DK's shoulder and Mingyu shook his head. It looked like they were teasing DK.

Getting up, she searched for Ren. His mom pointed to the back and she made her way through the kitchen. Finding him she asked for the basket. Quickly heading towards the lockers Ren took out the picnic basket and gave it to Chae.

"My mom packed it with a lot of goodies," he smiled.

"Thank you, how much do I owe you?" she asked.

"Absolutely nothing Pasta, you're family," he pulled her in to a hug.

"You sure?" she asked as they made their way back.

"Yes, my mom would kill me if I made you pay," he said and they saw that his Uncle's band were finishing up the set. She asked him to hold the basket as she went to go fetch the brunette.

"Sorry guys but I'm gonna have to steal her away," said Chae as she helped Jennie out.

"No Fair," huffed DK.

"Stay for little longer Chae," urged Rena.

"Sorry guys but it's been decided," she grinned at them as she and Jennie made their way to Ren. The others waved them off happily and returned to their own chatter.

Thanking Ren he handed her the basket and watched them head out the back. Jennie followed Chae as she led them down a small path behind the restaurant. Walking deeper, they were surrounded by lovely greenery and not too long they stepped in to a flat area of grass with flowers surrounding it.

Jennie stared in awe at the different reds, purples, blues and pinks as Chae laid down a blanket she took out from the basket. She'd picked a spot underneath a tree giving them enough shade but streaks of sunlight filtered through which illuminated the flowers different colours.

Calling for the brunette to join her Chae sat down on the blanket and took out the snacks Ren's mom prepared for them. Jennie sat down happily after picking some of the flowers and asked Chae to put one in her ear. Munching down they relaxed and enjoyed the quiet.

Chae handed Jennie a bottle of water and sipping lightly they chatted about everything and anything. When they were done eating, Chae moved the basket and lied down. Jennie closed her bottle of water and setting it aside scooted closer to the younger woman. She smiled down at Chae.

"It's so peaceful here," said Jennie.

"Yeah, there's a lake on the other side. Ren took me fishing and showed this place to me on our way," said Chae.

"You fish?"

"No but Ren does. He tried teaching me but it didn't work," Chae chuckled.

"I can imagine that. You probably weren't paying attention," Jennie smacked Chae playfully.

"Hey! Give me the benefit of the doubt," laughed Chae. They sat quietly for a few moments and Jennie saw Chae close her eyes.



"Can I ask something?"

"You just did," grinned Chae and felt Jennie hit her again.

"Hahaha okay, yeah ask me," she looked up at the brunette.

"You don't stutter that much around me, does it still happen?" Jennie pulled her knees close to her and laid her head on them.

"Yeah it does. When I'm very nervous or meeting new people it always pops up. I had a very bad speech impairment when I was younger. It took years for me to work on it, still am actually," explained Chae.

"Oh I see, did it affect your learning?'' asked Jennie

"Yeah it did. School was tough and home was worse. But I dropped out of high school in 11th grade. Had to get work because we were going to lose the house and Jim was struggling then already," she said.

"Yeah," Jennie moved closer to her and trailed a finger across Chae's stomach. She listened as the other woman spoke gently and enjoyed the feel of her shirt.

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