Chapter 130

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Chae's eyes focused past Jennie as she watched the door close. Taking in a deep breath she turned towards the brunette and was surprised to see how serious Jennie looked. They stared silently at each other for a long moment. Seeing the redness around Jennie's eyes, she stood up with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is something wrong?"

Jennie nearly laughed at the absurd question. Chae moved to reach for her hand but Jennie stepped away from her.

"I'm going to need you to be honest with me Chae."

Chae was still looking at the space where she had reached for Jennie's hand. Her heart had panged at the small rejection. Flicking her fingers she looked at Jennie sadly.

"Did you tell Jean that we're in a relationship?"

Chae shook her head but Jennie wasn't entirely convinced. Taking out her phone she searched for her Instagram.

"We're all over the tabloids and social media. Jean published a story that we were having an affair. People have been smearing me the whole day and there have been some comments with death threats," she handed the phone to Chae. Her eyes widened has she saw her and Jennie trending. The brunette was right the comments were vicious.

"How did this happen?" asked Chae

"I thought you could tell me?" cut Jennie

"What does that mean?"

"Where else would Jean have gotten this information? You two were hanging out every other fucking day," waved Jennie.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" she said and placed the phone on the desk

"Yes I am."

"Jennie, I didn't tell Jean about us."

"Then explain this," she pointed to the phone.

"I don't fucking know. She must've figured it out," Chae could feel her frustration building.

"Oh so she just sucked it out of her thumb. There's even pictures Chae. Were you two working together? Trying to help her get a big story," said Jennie.

"What? Why would I do that?" said Chae with a wide look.

"I don't know. You guys were hanging out so much, it, it would make sense if you let it slip or something," Jennie could feel the tears coming.

"I didn't say anything to her about us. Okay I admit I did tell her there is someone else. But you knew that already," said Chae and tried to reach for Jennie again but she pulled away.

"People know now Chae...I'm...I'm not ready," Jennie's voice trembled as the thought of having to explain this to their shareholders and the people in the industry. Their society didn't take lightly to difference.

"What are you saying?" asked Chae, she stepped closer to the brunette. Her eyes were full of confusion.

"This could affect my business Chae," whispered Jennie as the tears fell down.

It took her a moment to register what Jennie had just said but when it came to her all Chae felt was a wave of frustration. Out of this entire thing, that was what Jennie was concerned about. She wasn't even listening to her.

Chae shook her head furiously. Did Jennie not see her hurt on her face? Did she not trust the fact that she was fully committed to her? Jimin flashed through her mind. They never let her speak. They never listened to her. It was always about them. Stepping back, she felt her breath slow.

"Get out."

Jennie looked up in surprise.


"Leave," said Chae.

"Excuse me?"

Jennie couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Go worry about your business somewhere else. I don't have the fucking energy for this bullshit! How many fucking times do I have to tell you, you are the only person I want. Why the fuck would I ruin that? So go! Just leave," Chae pointed to the door.


"No Jennie. I'm done. Go figure yourself out. You pull me in. Then push me out. I'm not a fucking toy. If you're worried that being with me will hurt your business or reputation or whatever the fuck then we can just end it. I'm not here to be played. For fucks sake!" yelled Chae and felt the tears stream down her face. Jennie was shocked by the venom in her voice.


"I said leave."

Chae picked up her phone and held it out. She didn't look at her. Crying even further, Jennie rushed to grab the phone and ran out of the office. As she tumbled in to her car, she felt her heart leap with overwhelmming dread

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