Chapter 109

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Stepping out of the elevator V walked slowly towards the room. He was surprised to see that the door was open and the anxiety within him shot up. He didn't want to speak to his father in front of other people. Approaching silently he stood near the wall, peaked inside, backed out and listened.

"I'm telling you I feel like a new man," laughed Mr Kim.

"Well you still look like an old one," smirked Mr Kwan.

"Give me some credit," Mr Kim looked incredulous.

"Not a bloody chance," laughed Mr Kwan.

"Anyway did you get the chance to speak to her?"

"Yes, it went well," said Mr Kim.

"So she's okay with you giving her half of your assets ?"

"Well...I didn't get to that part," Mr Kim looked down.

"Wasn't that the point of talking to her alone?"

"I sort of chickened out. Besides I could feel she wasn't ready to hear such big news. Especially since it might feel out of place," he said.

"Most people will think that," said Mr Kwan.

"I don't care. My mind is made up. She deserves it," said Mr Kim.

"I know how you feel and I'm not questioning your decision. It's just, won't the kids feel some sort of way about this. Particularly your son," said Mr Kwan.

"V's lost my trust and I can't entertain that. What's done is done. My will isn't going to change after this," said Mr Kim.

"He's going to get nothing," said Mr Kwan.

"And maybe that's exactly what he needs," said Mr Kim. 

They continued to chat as V's lonesome shadow loomed the wall. He felt the air escape from his body. His father had cut him off and while he listened he knew there wasn't much time to do anything about it.

"Come in," Jennie looked up from her laptop as the door closed. Taking off her glasses she raised a surprised eyebrow.

"Hi Jen," smiled Kai with a bouquet of roses in tow.

"What do you want?"

"I came to say sorry. I didn't know how to approach you. You know considering," he didn't finish the sentence.

"Where's V?"

"He's okay. But I don't know where he is at the moment."

Jennie looked at him with suspicion. He turns up out of the blue and acts like he and her brother didn't almost leave her father to die. She got up and walked towards her door.

"I'm only saying this to make it official and that you know that it's clear. It's over Kai. We're done. I'm breaking up with you and don't want to have anything to do with you. Tell my brother to come see me himself," she held the door open for him.

"Jen, I made a mistake. I'm sorry okay. Let's not end things."

"You haven't tried to reach me in weeks, left my father to nearly die and on top of that help my brother steal the family business. You honestly expect me to listen to your bullshit. I thought you were better than this Kai."

"Let me prove to you that I am still the guy you fell in love with," he pleaded.

"Just get out," she opened the door further and looked at him sternly. Seeing no chance of winning he left without another word.

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