Chapter 41

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Jimin spoke animatedly as he explained to Jennie how Chae was such a big crybaby when they were growing up. They all laughed happily as he showed them the exact face she would pull when she couldn't come with her big brother and his friends.

"I'm telling you, it was the funniest thing," he said still laughing.

"I can so see her pulling that face," giggled Jennie.

"Especially with her puffy cheeks," added Sowon and it made them laugh louder. Chae shook her head with a smirk at being the butt of the jokes.

"Alright whatever. That's in the past now," she said playfully and ate the last of her lasagne.

"Aww we're just kidding," said Jennie as she placed a hand on Chae's cheeks, rubbing lightly. Jimin watched them in interest.

"So Jen, you have a brother too right?" he asked

"Yes, I do. He's dumbass but I love him," she placed her plate down and sat back in the couch.

"Yeah I feel the same about my sister," said Jim and Chae gave him a warning look.

"He's managing the wine factory right?" asked Jimin. He'd heard a little about Taehyung but had not met him since he was training on the retail end.

"Yes he does. The whole wine division is really his baby. But he spends most of his time at the factory," she said.

"And what's it like being a fashion designer?" asked Sowon eagerly

"It's a lot of work. Really long hours in different places. From the boutique, to clothing factory, to fashion shows. But it's my passion and with my friend Lisa working with me it's been a great time. I'm lucky to be doing what I love," she finished and Sowon looked at her in admiration.

"You're incredible Jennie," she said. Jennie thanked her and helped to collect all their plates. She and Sowon continued to speak softly as they walked to the kitchen.

Jimin turned to his sister and saw Chae smiling goofily at the two woman walking out. He moved to her side and slapped her playfully. She flicked him in annoyance but he put her in a headlock. She smacked him off as he laughed.

"Leave me alone Jim," she said.

"Hehe I got a lot of questions for you little sister," he smirked while pointing his eyes to the kitchen.

"Like what?" she asked blandly

"Like when are you gonna zip yourself up? And did we come back home at an inconvenient time? I apologise if we interrupted anything," he said tauntingly. She tried to hit him but he jumped away while laughing. Chae looked down and saw the overalls were still open. She zipped it up in a huff.

"Don't you dare say anything," she pointed at Jim and he chuckled as the other two women came back inside. Sowon put her hands on her hips as Jennie moved back next to Chae.

"I'm really tired," yawned Sowon and Jimin got up to stand next to her.

"Let's go to bed baby, I'm sure Noon's snores will put you to sleep," he smiled as Sowon nodded.

"Okay. Well thank you for a great evening guys. Jennie it was wonderful meeting you and I hope you can come again," said Sowon warmly as Jimin put a protective arm around her.

"Goodnight guys. Hope to see you soon Jen," he waved as he guided Sowon up the stairs.

Jennie and Chae wished them a good night's rest and heard the bedroom door close. Sighing Chae fell back in to the couch. Looking at her Jennie noticed  the overalls were closed. Choosing not to ask, she sank back as well.

"Well, that was surprisingly civil," remarked Chae and giggled slightly.

"I had fun. They're really sweet Chae," said Jennie.

"Yeah they are but they're also batshit crazy," she said and they laughed cheerily.

"Thank you Chae," said Jennie softly. She'd felt fully at home with the younger woman's family. They didn't once make her feel uneasy.

"I'm glad you had a good evening," said Chae as she looked at Jennie. They stared at each other longingly. Chae placed a soft hand on Jennie's cheek and rubbed it with her thumb.

"I think you need to get home," she said in whisper but Jennie scooted closer, enjoying her touch.

"I don't wanna," pouted the brunette and nuzzled her cheek in to Chae's embrace.

"But you gotta," whispered Chae and gulped lightly as she stared at Jennies lips. The brunette saw where she was looking and felt herself leaning forward but in a blink she felt Chae let go.

"I'll walk you out," smiled Chae as she stood up holding out a hand. Nodding Jennie took it and they walked out quietly.

"Thank you Jen. You made me happy today. I had a nice time. Let me know when you're home," said Chae as they stood by the car.

"Will do Chae. Get some sleep okay," said Jennie tenderly and Chae nodded. The younger woman watched as she drove away. Jennie peered in to the mirror. Biting her lip, she forced herself to focus on the road. All she wanted to do was turn around and ask Chae if she could stay, but as she turned at the stop she knew the chance was gone.

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