Chapter 28

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"Why were you going to lose the house?" she asked

"My Dad was imprisoned that year and the injuries my mom got from the fight they had needed constant attention. The medical bills were massive and Dad was the main breadwinner. Jim had a job but it wasn't enough and we were behind on rates. So I stepped in," she said and reached for Jennie's hand.

"You're Dad hurt your mom?"

"Yeah, he had a bad episode and went beserk. She eventually passed away from complications of the attack," said Chae as she interlinked their fingers and laid her head on her other arm.

"My mom died from giving birth to me. I never knew her and Tae was too little to remember her," said Jennie and Chae kissed their hands.

"But we have photos of her and my Dad always says I'm her spitting image," she smiled down at Chae.

"I trust your Dad. Your mom must have been beautiful," said Chae.

"She was, sometimes I wish I knew her," said Jennie.

"One day is one day Jen. You two will meet again and when you do, you're mom will call for you, pull you in to a hug and say 'honey, how much I've longed to love you but am happy I don't ever have to miss you' " finished Chae and Jennie laughed at the voice she used.

"Wow that was surprisingly not corny," said the brunette and moved to lie down as well. Chae opened her arms for her and they snuggled up together.

"It sounded better in my head," giggled Chae and Jennie liked being able to hear it up close. She continued to trace her fingers across Chae's shirt.

"Do you think she would? Say something like that to me," asked Jennie softly.

"Yeah Jen, she wouldn't even hesitate," said Chae knowingly.

"Thank you for today Chae, I needed this," said the brunette.

"It's a pleasure," she pulled Jennie closer and pecked the top of her head. They laid like that for a bit, listening to the birds chirping and watching the flowers dance to the beat of the soft wind.

Listening to Chae's heartbeat, Jennie found her own beating in tune with it. This was the most peaceful she'd ever felt and she didn't want it to end. She closed her eyes for a while longer before suggesting something to the other woman.

"Chae, would you like to come to the brand launch?" Jennie sat up as she asked and saw Chae looking up at her.

"You can bring a plus one if you want," she added.

"Okay, you just need to give me the date and I'll see if I'm free," smiled Chae.

"Great, uhm will you bring a plus one?" asked Jennie

"Probably," nodded Chae and the brunette perked up a little.

"Oh okay. Are you seeing someone?" she asked

"No but I'm sure Pinky would love to come to the launch," said Chae as she sat up too. Jennie felt herself relax a little.

"Sure thing," she nodded and shyly peaked at Chae.

"Uhm there someone you like?" asked Jennie

"Not really. I use to have a big crush on Jiequong though," said Chae as she thought and Jennie's eyebrows scrunched.

"Oh really?" maybe that's why Chae wanted to bring her with to the launch, thought Jennie.

"Yeah, she's so beautiful and kind. It's hard not to like her," explained Chae and Jennie sat back a little. Noticing, Chae moved closer to her.

"But that's in the past and now I don't really like anyone," Chae hoped her lie sounded convincing.

"You sure?" Jennie pursed her lips and didn't know why she suddenly felt so...agitated.

"Yip, I'm just focusing on work now and with the stuff you're Dad has planned my full attention is there," she smiled as Jennie seemed to relax.

"Okay then. Yeah, Dad is just throwing you in the deep end," smiled Jennie as Chae laid back down.

"It's okay, I'm learning how to swim in it," Chae yawned and Jennie thought she looked absolutely adorable while doing it.

"You'll be okay. Are you tired?" she asked as she laid down again.

"A little," said Chae as Jennie moved in to her arms. Her eyes fluttered close and Jennie kissed her cheek lightly.

"Let's take a nap then," the brunette laid her head on Chae's chest and was happy when she heard the other woman fall asleep. Smiling, Jennie pulled Chae close to her as she breathed in the taller woman's scent and compared it to the flowers around them,

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