Chapter 127

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"Your father is out of hospital," said Kai.



"Fuck," V handed him a cup of coffee.

"I know. It would have been easier to inject the poison through his IV. But I guess we need to change plans."

"He must be at the house. Let's go," said V and moved to fetch a coat.

"Wait, we can't just barge in. What if Jennie's home?"

"Let's go and check. We need to get this done with. I still have keys, we can get in through the back."

"V. What about those workers? They're still busy with the wall right? They'll see our car coming down the dirt road. We can't risk being seen," urged Kai.

"Please Kai. I can't anymore. I've...I've put it all on the line," whispered V.

"I understand and that's why we gotta be smart about this."

"Tonight then. Let's go tonight. Sneak in. Make sure Jen doesn't see us," said V.

"Okay, fine. We'll sneak in. But you need to trust me okay. We have to inject this in to him while he's asleep. It has to look natural."

"Agreed," nodded V.

I told you

Do you see now?

"She really thinks I'm dad," trembled Jimin.

It's time Jim

You know what you need to do

"I...I can't..."

You must

"But Noon..."

This is for her

You have to Jim

They will take you away from your baby

Leave before they do

"I...I'm so tired," cried Jim. He pulled his legs closer to him as his body shook.

Listen Jim

Doing this is the only way to make things stop

You need to make this stop

Chae doesn't love you

Sowon doesn't love you

Noon is all you have

You need to make sure you keep her

Jimin's body continued to shiver has he balled up in the corner. None of the windows were open but a small film of light streamed through one of the slits of a curtain. His shoulders stopped shaking and he lifted his head. Blank eyes stared ahead. Getting up , he dragged his feet towards the closet and as he moved through the room, the light never touched him.

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