Chapter 96

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The floors swirled a stench of rushed footsteps around them and Chae felt sickness sticking to her like glue. Shifting uncomfortably, she tightened her arm around Jennie. An army of nurses and doctors raced past them as they guided a gurney to the ICU.

Blood was pooling from the patients head and the droplets left a deep red trail behind them. Jennie turned her face in to Chae's shoulder and the younger woman wished she could do the same. The patient had stoked flashes of her mother's own face in a similar condition.

Swallowing thickly, she removed the memory from her mind. She needed to be strong for Jennie. Since they arrived and were told to wait small tremors would course through the older woman's body. She felt another one and looked down at the brunette in concern.

Placing a kiss on the top of her head, Chae felt Jennie's grip tighten. They waited in the buzzing panic before a nurse approached them. They all stood up as she told them to follow her. The chief investigator stated that he and Jennie would enter alone first.

Reluctant to let go of her hand, Jennie looked at Chae. But she gave Jennie's hand an encouraging squeeze with a short smile. Nodding Jennie followed the investigator in to the room. Mr Kwan and Chae waited outside patiently.

"What do you think happened?" he asked

"I dd..on't know," the smell was overwhelming on this side of the hospital. 

"Hopefully he'll be okay," said Mr Kwan.

"He will be," said Chae. They stood in another wave of nervous silence. Mr Kwan took out his phone again but sighed sadly.

"V still hasn't gotten back to me," he said.

"I get the sense that its avoidance if not anything else," he placed his phone away.

"He and his dad aren't on good terms. He probably doesn't want to talk to anyone related to dad at the moment," explained Chae.

"Especially me," agreed Mr Kwan.

"Yeah, he probably thinks that you're calling regarding the case," said Chae.

"I'm Mr Kim's lawyer but I am also one of his oldest friends. Taehyung should know better if I'm calling at this time on this phone," he waved it in front of her.

The chief investigator existed the room along with the nurse and doctor. He told them that after speaking with the doctor there was no room to worry about any sort of foul play. Mr Kim had endured a small heart attack which was related to his high blood pressure levels.

"Did something spark it?" asked Chae

"Well Mr Kim has struggled with his blood pressure for years. The symptoms build over time and it can strike at unlikely times," said the doctor.

"It's often caused by stress right?" asked Mr Kwan

"Yes it can be," said the doctor.

"Mr Kim stated the same issue for his recent cause of stress like you've told us," said the chief investigator as he and Mr Kwan shared a look. They continued to speak briefly. Thanking them as they all left, he and Chae entered the room hopeful.

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