Chapter 67

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"Well done Jen, Lis, I'm so proud of both of you," said Mr Kim and gave both girls a tight hug.

"Thank you Uncle Kim," beamed Lisa and V pulled her in to a hug too.

"Thanks Dad," said Jennie. They were in the main room with a few reporters still hanging around them. She heard the music from the front.

"Are you staying for the party?" she asked

"Unfortunately not hon," said Mr Kim and Jennie understood. Kai pulled her in for a kiss and they heard a few cameras flash.

"Ready to party?" he smirked.

"Ofcourse she is!" smiled V as he swung his arm around his sister and Lisa.

"Let's go!" he shouted excitedly. The fashion launch wasn't the only thing for his happiness. It wasn't the reason at all but he saw this as an opportunity to secretly celebrate the success of his and Kai's plans.

"Have some more," said Ren and piled food on to Chae's plate. They had snuck to the food section while the others were socialising. Eating hungrily he turned to her.

"That was a pretty cool show ey?"

"Yeah, didn't expect less from Jennie and Lisa though," said Chae as she ate up her chicken.

"True," said Ren and they soon heard Chungha's voice.

"Here you are. We've been looking for you," she said as people brushed against her. The music banged loudly as the Dj hyped the crowd.

"We were trying to tell you earlier but," Chae felt someone turn her around and saw Jean smiling at her. Ren and Chungha watched as she pulled Chae in to a hug.

"I thought it was you," she smiled.

"Jean?" said Chae.

"Hello Ren. Hi Chungha," said Jean and they greeted her in return.

"It's been a while Jean," said Ren.

"Yeah," she said cautiously.

"You should come with us and say hi to the others," tried Chungha. She didn't want to leave Chae alone with her. Ren agreed.

"That would be good. We have a lot to catch up on," he said sternly.

"Actually I was hoping I could talk with Chae for a bit," said Jean.

"Alone?" asked Chae.

"Yes, if you can," said Jean. Chae saw Mr Kim walk out the main room and thought that Jennie should be coming out soon after. Sighing she decided she'd find the brunette later.

"Okay, let's go," she said and Jean grabbed on to her hand as she led them somewhere there was less noise.

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