Chapter 117

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The knock was light and seeing her boutique managers head pop up, Jennie smiled.

"Hi Jen, sorry to bother but JJ is downstairs. She asked if you are available."

A perplexed expression found itself on Jennie's face. She didn't have much to say about this unexpected visit.

"Did she mention why she'd like to see me?"

"No but I'm assuming it's about the interview?"

"Mmm, okay. You can send her up," said Jennie. Leaving the door open the boutique manager headed out.

Soon after, Jean walked inside. She closed the door and stood against it for a long moment. She held eye contact with the designer before smirking. Squinting, Jennie pointed towards the chair in front of her desk but Jean shook her head.

"I won't be long," she said.

"Alright then. How can I help you?"

"I can think of a lot of things," said Jean and the edge of Jennie's mouth twitched.

"My plane will be leaving in three hours..."

"Goodbye then," said Jennie curtly. She didn't enjoy the air this woman was emanating, it felt...invasive.

"I have something I'd like to say to you before I leave," laughed Jean.

"After speaking to Chae the other day, I had it all figured out.  Then after seeing some things that caught my interest, I just knew. Would you like me to tell you?"

"I thought that was what you were doing?"

"Rhetorical Jennie. The question was rhetorical," Jennie blinked slowly as Jean walked closer. Her teeth grated as she wished she could shove Jean's "rhetorical" up her ass. Standing in front of the desk, Jean continued.

"You know Ms Kim, when I first met you there was all this commotion about you being this "increeedible, faaantastic up and coming designer". You know the next big thing. On top of that you come from a wealthy family, with a high reputation and of course beautiful too."

"You really had it all. You still do and then some," Jennie noticed the pause.

"But back to our first meeting. It was all the fake ass kissing I expected it to be. I mean this is the fashion industry, steered towards the richest of rich people. Yet , from what I had heard "The great Jennie Kim" wasn't like other wealthy socialites. She was smart, tenacious and humble. Yes that was the word that got me. People called you humble."

Jean let the words hang in the air. Jennie leaned back in her seat as she continued to stare at her blankly. She wondered where this was going.

"But when I met you, I was surprised because they were right. And they were wrong. The whole kind and polite thing you do is just on the surface. The idea of you being down to earth was a total act. In other words you're incredible at acting humble, acting kind, acting respectful. But in truth you thrive on people's adoration of you."

"You love being the center of attention and often it comes at the expense of the people around you. The launch was a joint project but you got the most coverage in the advertising for it than Lisa. Your brother's been complaining for years that you're the "family favourite". Your relationship with Kai has always been in the spotlight for the gossip mags, which I'm sure Kai didn't mind. But neither did you"

"Do you remember when you asked Eclaire if she knew of any paparazzi that would take pics of you and Kai, in your first couple of weeks of dating. Well I had to do the dirty work for that and Bingo! You two were all over the tabloids ."

"You're just all about the image. No substance, no grit. And honestly speaking Jennie I think it's shit of you to make people believe that you're this "sweetheart". You're not and the comfort-ability in keeping up this façade is concerning."

"What makes you think you know me?" snarled Jennie. She loathed what Jean had said. It was ugly and mean. Completely based on all the gossip people have spread about her.

"Just a hunch," smirked Jean.

"It is inappropriate of you to come to my office and insult me like this. I'm asking you kindly Jean, please leave," said Jennie but Jean placed her hands on the desk and leaned forward instead.

"I can't have her. But I can make her see who you really are. You're too weak. You would never place her first. Especially at the expense of your reputation. Not the "The Great Jennie Kim". "

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jennie stood up from her chair. The anger sketched on her frown.

"You know," shrugged Jean.

"Her well-being will always come first to me. I'm okay that I'm not the one she wants. But whoever it is, has to have integrity. And well I just don't think you cut it," finished Jean and watched as Jennie's eyes widened. She made her way towards the door.

"It was a pleasure speaking with you. I'm glad that we came to an understanding, Ms Kim," and with that she left. Bowing her head as she slammed her hands against the desk, Jennie swore underneath her breath. 

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