Chapter 140

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They saw Ren and Jisoo immediately and frantically made their way to them. Lisa and Jisoo kissed softly, while Jennie gave Ren questioning eyes.

"Where is she?"

"In there, talking to the social worker," he pointed to a closed door.

"What happened?" asked Lisa and Jisoo shook her head sadly. Sighing Ren spoke slowly.

"We don't know the specifics yet but Jim and Sown got in to an argument. She tumbled down the staircase with Noona in her arms. Her injury was fatal. Jim...he," Ren cleared his throat.

"He committed suicide, hanged himself. There was no note or anything."

Jennie's eyes bulged out of her head. She was afraid to hear it but she asked anyway.


"She's alive but is currently in the hospital receiving treatment for any injuries she could've gotten. We're heading there once Chae is done," he said. Lisa watched Jennie carefully and saw the different emotions shift across her face as they waited for Chae to finish.

"Miss Park, I'm sorry you had to answer all these questions after this terrible ordeal," said the social worker.

"It's o..okay," stammered Chae. The interview had been painful both in terms of the content as well as her lack of coherency in speech.

"There will be more follow ups as we find where exactly it would be best to place Noona."

"What?" Chae looked at the woman sternly.

"Noon's not going anywhere. She's staying with me."

"Miss Park, it isn't that simple. Considering you were living with...everything that went might be best to place the little girl somewhere else."

"NO WAY IN HELL." Chae slammed her hand on the table, giving the woman a fright.

"Miss Park, please, calm down." Her hand stung from the after effect, and has she pulled it back it began to tremble.

"I..I'm so..sorry it's just Noon's all I h..have left of both of them," she whispered with her bottom lip quivering.

"I know honey, I know. We'll be in contact okay," said the social worker and Chae nodded as she exited the room. She was still holding the one hand's wrist as she came out with her head low. She stood still in front of the door for a moment, wondering if they would really take Noon away from her.

Seeing familiar shoes in her sight, she lifted her head slowly. Jennie stared at her intensely and Chae wished she could climb in to those deep brown pools and drown in their warmth. Because that was all she could see in Jennie's eyes, just pure care. It made her feel weak, and unwilling she felt her eyes begin well. Jennie moved swiftly has she saw Chae's bottom lip begin to quiver. She enveloped her in to her arms and Chae was thankful that the brunette didn't say anything. She just held her, tightly and allowed her to cry.

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