Chapter One

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Hi, in case you didn't notice by now, this fic isn't all sunshine and roses. So I am going to have a list of warnings for each chapter and a warning list in the description. If there's anything else I should list and failed to do so/could phrase better, let me know. Also, not all warnings apply to Loki and [Y/N] together. They both have painful pasts we get to learn about!

Knocked Out



Your POV

You are having a calm, peaceful day in the Avengers Compound. Tony is tinkering, Bruce is experimenting, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, T'Challa, and Sam are training, Wanda and Vision are flirting, Peter is doing World Civ homework, Rhodey is napping, Scott is Skyping his thief buddies, Thor is visiting Heimdall, and you are reading Harry Potter for the kajillionth time. It is a fairly normal day.

You shift a little to find a more comfortable position on the couch, and snuggle in your hoodie and blanket, submerging yourself into the wondrous world of J.K. Rowling. Reading the part where [*SPOILERS*] you find out Sirius is innocent and Scabbers is Wormtail and guilty never gets old.

Thor suddenly barges into the room, and you lower The Prisoner of Azkaban. "Hey Thor. How's Asgard?" you say in greeting.

Thor frowns. "I bear solemn news, [Y/N]."

"What happened?" you ask with concern.

"I'll say once the rest of the team are here."

"FRIDAY, can you tell everyone to get over here?" you ask.

"Of course, [Y/N]," FRIDAY responds. In a few moments, the rest of the Avengers are there.

"Yo, wassup, Thor!" Clint shouts.

"A new problem for us," Thor says, still frowning seriously. You frown as well. Usually Thor is so cheerful. This must be a big problem.

"What is it, Pointbreak?" Tony asks.

"Loki has once again faked his death, and Heimdall has found him on Midgard, but he can no longer find him," Thor says.

Everyone sighs. "Not again," you say.

"Why are we even surprised? This is like the third time!" Scott says.

"Fifth, actually," Bruce corrects.

"Really, it's been that much?" Scott says in legitimate surprise. "Huh. We should really stop assuming he's dead."

"We really should," Sam agrees.

"Where did Heimdall see him?" Vision asks.

"In Queens, of the State of York the New," Thor answers.

"Queens!" Peter says worriedly. His aunt lives there, so he naturally is worried for her wellbeing.

"What could he be up to this time?" Steve wonders.

"Nothing good, I'm sure," Natasha says.

"We need to find him and stop him before there's a hole in Queens," Bucky says.

"Agreed," T'Challa says.

"How do we find him?" Wanda asks.

"FRIDAY can search for him," Rhodey answers.

You stay quiet as the rest of the Avengers make a plan to stop Loki hopefully once and for all. You are the newest recruit, and everyone, other than maybe Peter, has more experience than you at superheroing. They could make a better plan than you ever could.

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