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My name is Aroha and My life hasn't always been this eventful I swear. Growing up on a farm that backs onto the national park out in the country, I lived a normal life life with my parents and older brother. My mum and dad passed away a couple years ago when I was 16. I just turned 18 last month and celebrated it with my older brother Kirk who's 32 (I was 100% the accident in the family) and the only person in this world that I'm close to. He moved out a couple years back to move up into the mountains but visits when he can.

I'm lucky enough to have been left a decent inheritance from my parents and the farm, which I've kept running cattle and sheep on to keep an income coming in.

I love to escape into the forests and explore. It was late one night when I decide to venture into the hills and visit my favourite clearing while the moon was full. It took me a good 30 mins using only the light from the moon to hike to an area I've come to see as my own personal retreat. With a large pond on one side that I've filled with fish over the years with my dad and wild flowers growing wild it was my own personal haven. A place I went to remember all the good times I spent here with my family over the years when my parents were still around.

I entered the clearing and found a comfy spot to lay beside the pond in the masses of wild flowers. I underestimated how tired I was from my hike up the hills and drifted off to sleep while stargazing. As I lay there I was oblivious to the danger lurking in the forest watching me patiently.

I came awake with a start cursing myself for falling asleep out in the open like that. Rookie mistake.... as I prepare myself for the hike back down I can't shake the feeling that someone or something is watching me. I crouch pretending To fix my shoes while scanning the forests from through my hair, hiding my intent from anyone or anything watching me.

I sense a presence with me in the glade and ready myself to run 'Whoever's there show yourself'. He steps from the shadows like a ghost, barely making a sound. 'Fear not, I mean you no harm. My name is sebastian' startling me I turn around and can't help but stare at this man on the other side of the pond and his sudden appearance.

I rake my eyes over him, never before
have a seen such a prime example of the perfect man. From his long legs and lean torso that tapered out into those too die for shoulders that you see on rugby players. And the muscles... my god the muscles, I had to resist the Urge to start fanning myself in front of him. (Still not 100% that I didn't).

But it was the moment that I looked into his eyes, those cobalt blue eyes that couldn't belong to any human that my life would change forever. I knew I was done for, the instantaneous spark that appeared as soon as we locked eyes is pulling me to him, something I would never be able to deny. All I wanted to do was run into the arms of this stranger and run my hands through his golden locks while i did anything possible to make him mine. I knew in this moment exactly what he is and what he is to me. A shapeshifter and my mate.

Thanks to anyone who decided to give my book a chance!!! I feel the first 5 or so updates are a tad boring while trying to set it up and get  some information and back story going, please try stick it out a few chapters because I swear I've tried to make if more interesting past the first 5 or 6 chapters.

Just wanted to note that if you see any weird spelling mistakes or words that don't make sense I'm actually dyslexic, so writing is actually pretty difficult for me so I'm using what pad to satisfy my imagination while also trying to improve with my writing. If you see anything please just leave a comment so I can fix it up :)

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