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A bit short but I had 30mins between shifts at work and really wanted to get an update done, so haven't had much time to edit this one

Sebastian's pov

I come back into control and am shocked to find my teeth around aroha's neck. The coppery yet delicious taste of her blood in my mouth sending me crazy with need for her yet at the same time into a panic.

I'm frozen solid trying to figure out what to do, my teeth still just under the surface of her skin.

"What the hell trey!!! You took control to mark her without me being able to stop you!!! How could you??"

"If you couldn't tell I did it quite easily"

Fuck... the need to complete the marking is driving me wild. I need to reject her now and get out of here before I do something stupid.

"I'd advise against that train of thought Sebastian, unless you want to kill her".

"Wait... What!!! What do you mean Kill her!!!!".

"Well you see Sebastian, just the breaking of her skin has caused the mate bond to be partially completed. You are now going to be driven wild with urges to claim her as you body screams for you too full complete the bond and sink your teeth deep into her. Now that the bond had been completed to an extent, the shock of you rejecting her will send her into shock to the point it would kill her.. so you see dear Sebastian you cannot reject her, or you will hurt her and I know all you want to do is keep her safe, even if you have some warped ideas about doing it. Now you will have no choice but to give into the need to claim her completely, and when that happens it's going to be all you. I know you may hate me for this but you left me no choice. Good luck Sebastian, I give you a couple days tops before you give into the pull". And with that he shut himself off from me.

Holy shit.... what the hell do I do.. I've got to get out of here. Realising I'm still holding aroha's neck I pull back as fast as I can, causing her to look at me with puzzled eyes. I just up causing her to fall of my lap with a thud. She gives me a glare clearly not impressed. "Hey a little warning next time would be good".

I stand there clenching my fists in attempt to keep my distance. "You need to leave now". It comes out as a snarl. Clearly shocked by my response she gets to her feet and starts backing away slowly.

"Um ok, I guess I'll see you around then". And with that she's off through the trees.

Wait, why didn't she question me biting her neck? Maybe she just thought it was a bad hicky.

Aroha's pov

I run home, thinking it the best to give him time to cool down. He was obviously struggling with his emotions. Shutting the door behind me I lean back against the door.. well that wasn't what I expected. I'd hoped he would complete his claim and bite me fully but I guess that can wait till another day.

I'm brought out of my thinking when there's sudden banging at the door. Who the hell could that be? I open the door to see a very serious looking Sebastian looking at me like I'm his next meal.

Holy crap he's hot.

Within seconds he through the door and has me pinned against the wall.  His head in the grove of my neck breathing in my scent. His next words causing my excitement to mount.


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