Planning rejection

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Aroha's pov

I spend my day trying to keep my self occupied until it's time for me to head to the clearing. I check the clock again to find its only 2 minutes since I last checked... I groan in frustration and collapse onto the bed in annoyance. I'm just so excited that the wait is killing me.

I went against doing myself up for tonight. I prefer a more natural look rather than getting dressed up and putting on makeup, and anyway as my mate he's going to love me for who I am.

I can't help but take another peek at the clock... O god it's only been 5 minutes... kill me now.

Sebastian's pov

After that damn dream I spent the rest of last night tossing and turning unable to get back to sleep. So now here I am, a grumpy sleep deprived tiger wanting to snap at anyone who talks to me. Hopefully I can make it through the day while interaction with others.

"Sebastian I require you in my office as soon as possible" I hear come through the mind link from alpha Black.

"Well there goes that idea" I mutter. Let's just hope I don't piss him off with my attitude today.

I walk through the alphas office door 10mins later. "Ah Sebastian, thank you for coming, we have a few thing we need to discuss" the alpha greets me with a unusually happy demeanour.

"How can I help you alpha?".

"Well to begin with is just like to congratulate you, a lot of other shifters here would kill to be in your shoes".

I barley manage to get out an "umm" before I'm cut off as the alpha continues.

"Not I know we have a lot going on at the moment with the threat of war with the rogues still a real possibility right now, but I'm sure we can try free up some time for you to make preparations for the ceremony and have some time to organise the move".

"Wait, alpha what are you talking about?". I look at him with utter confusion having no clue what he's talking about.

Unfazed buy my interruption he continues. "Now don't be coy Sebastian, I know you found you mate last night so appropriate arrangements need to be made, you will be much stronger going into this war with your mate by your side. Now how long until we can meet the lucky lady and introduce her to the pack".

My next words knocked the smile off his face. "You won't".

"What do you mean I won't".

"Exactly that alpha, you won't be meeting her and she won't be getting introduced to the pack as my mate".

"And May I ask why" he snarls back at me.

"Because she's human".

"And what's your point Sebastian? So she's human, she's your other half, her being human shouldn't make any difference".

"It makes a huge difference, I refuse to have a weak mate that I'll constantly have to worry about wether she is safe or not. Having a human as a mate would just be a hinderance".

"Dare I ask what your intentions are then if you don't plan on accepting your mate?".

"I have no choice but to reject her and sever the bond, if it remains in place I will be tempted to change my mind".

Snarling draws my attention back to alpha Black. He's glaring at me with pitch black eyes showing his wolf Is in control right now and he looks close to shifting. I'm not quite sure why he's so angry but I'm starting to get a little nervous here. I mean I thought he would be completely on board with my choice to no take a human as my mate. I dare not speak as I see him taking deep breaths to calm down his wolf. After a few minutes I see the blackness leave from his eyes meaning his human side in now back in control.

"I suggest you listen to my next words very carefully Sebastian. Think long and hard about rejecting your mate. Rejection is not something you can take back easily once you realise that you were wrong. Now I need you to leave for a while to attend to something so as my beta your in charge till I return".

I stand to leave and am half way out the door when my alpha gives me one last warning.

"Don't ignore my warning Sebastian, think long and hard about wether rejection is the right decision, and I hope for you sake that you wake up to yourself and change your mind".

I nod my head to acknowledge his warning and as I close the door i stop dead in my tracks when I hear him mutter under his breath barely able to hear it through the door even with my shifter hearing. But I could almost swear he said "Aroha's been through enough already".

Na he couldn't have, no way he could know who my mate is. I'm just imagining things in my sleep deprived state. Well guess I better get my jobs done so I can go deal with this bloody mate of mine tonight.

Alpha Blacks pov

As alpha I have a special connection with my pack, last night I could sense one of them making a connection with there mate. Being one of the strongest alphas I was able to see through Sebastian's eyes for a few seconds, not long enough for him to notice, to see that his newfound mate was none other than Aroha.

It filled my heart with joy to know that she found such a deserving mate. Sebastian's has been as astounding beta since he joined the pack and I always thought he was a smart man. That opinion changed the more he spoke about his plans to reject his mate.. I was barely able to control my wolf, wanting to rip to shreds the man before us saying he was going to hurt the woman we both loved.

I decided on the spot to put Sebastian in charge for the day and go see Aroha and check up on her as it been a while since I last visited her. I've been so busy with the impending war that I haven't made time for her.

When Sebastian was leaving my office I couldn't help but mutter in disgust "Aroha's been through enough already". She's already had to deal with so much. Sebastian doesn't deserve her.

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