Secrets revealed

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Ok guys so the ends getting close now!! Looking at maybe 3 more chapters and an epilogue. Thank you for all the lovely messages of encouragement it really means a lot! Can't believe we're at over 18k reads now. I really appreciate it :)

Sebastian's pov

I've haven't managed to get a wink of sleep the last couple of days. With all the last minute training and preparations for war I just haven't had the time. Being beta means I need to make sacrifices for the good of the pack, unfortunately that's meant I never got to go back and see Aroha again.... making if I make it through this I can find a way to keep her in my life and make things work. Maybe...

I've finally got a couple hours to myself. I get up and crack my back, trying to take I quick nap on this god awful camping mat had been hell. Unfortunately beggars can't be choosers, and when you have over 100 warriors camping in the woods it's a little hard to find the required amount of camping gear last minute. Maybe I should just sleep in my fur, maybe then I can finally have a quick nap. Shifting and settling on the floor I finally get comfortable and I just start nodding off as I get mind linked.

"Sebastian, the enemy are approaching and are currently 30mins out, I need you to gather the remaining warriors from camp and join me on the front line". Black orders.

"Yes alpha". Well shit, there goes my flipping nap. Shifting back and pulling in some shorts I leave my tent and start issuing the orders.

"Alright men time to head out! We're leaving for the front in 5 minutes, jump to it!".

Instantly the camp comes to life, warriors spilling from their tents suddenly wide awake and alert. Barely 2 minutes later and all are ready to leave.

"Ok, time to head out. You know your positions, please take them as soon as we reach the frontline".

15 minutes later and we arrive at our destination.

"Good timing Sebastian, the enemy are taking their time getting here so they're still 15 out. They don't seem to be in any rush". Black comments.

"Where's the scouts commander?". Black bellows out. Immediately a man come running from the trees.

"You called alpha?". He replies.

"I need you to send a massage out to your scouts, I'm expecting someone else to arrive shortly that isn't a rogue, they are to be let through unhindered". Black informs him.

"How will we know who to let through sir?". The scout asks.

"Oh don't worry, you will know. And your scouts wouldn't be able to stop them if they tried anyway". Black chuckles.

With that the scout commander runs off to organise his troops. Black prefers all scouts to report back to the commander, then the commander can prioritise the information and report to Black. He found having multiple scouts trying to link him variations of the same information when he's trying to concentrate in battle very distracting. This way he get straight to the point updates without it distracting him.

"I hope your ready for this Sebastian, they're here". Black says stepping to the front of his men. I step forward and take my place next to my alpha as the rogue alpha  Liam leads his troops into the clearing.

"Ah I see you've set up a welcoming committee just for me, I'm honoured I truly am. Now if you just hand over the girl we will be on our way with no harm to your pack". Liam greats us.

"I don't think so, you want her your going to have to go through us". Black snarls back.

"I was hoping you would say that, I've been looking forward to beat the alpha all others are too afraid to challenge" Liam's smirk could only be described as something you'd expect from the clinically insane. It's then that I notice his eyes, they've got a tinge of red appearing around the pupil, well shit he's turning feral. That explains a few things. 

I can see the alphas both edging forward ready to start the fight, when suddenly Black straightens and takes a couple steps back, glancing to Liam he seems confused why he suddenly backed away.

"Stop!". The voice issuing the command sounds vaguely familiar but completely out of place on the battle field.  It's not till I turn around that I'm left speechless as I lock eyes with the last person I ever expected to see here. Aroha....

Aroha's pov

It didn't take me long to reach the battle field. I knew that as soon as I made my presence known there would be no going back from this. I could see Sebastian's utter shock when he locked eyes with me, deciding to keep up the charade a little longer I kept up my innocent demeanour and shyly walked up to Kirk.

"You didn't have to come Aroha". Always the protective big brother.

"Now where would be the fun in that brother". I chuckle.

"Ah I see you've bought my prize, I knew you would come to your senses Black. Maybe your not as dumb as you look.

Kirk snarls at the disrespect from this other alpha.

"And I hear you've bought a little bonus for me, well this definitely speeds things up for me. I don't even care if the bastard won't be mine, doesn't make a difference to me in the end". Now I'm snarling at Liam's attitude towards my unborn child.

I glance across to me left to see Sebastian staring at my stomach with his mouth wide open and not blinking, if this wasn't war I'd be laughing at his face, definite Kodak moment right there. Guess the cats out of the bag, oh well I'll deal with him later.

"I think you have severely misread the situation here, I'm not here to surrender, I'm here to kill you". I state bluntly.

Liam bursts out laughing. "You plan to kill me, pray tell how a little thing like you is even going to manage putting more that a scratch on me". He smugly replies.

I instantly drop the innocent act and  and stand tall letting my confidence show as I laugh evilly, Liam seems to hesitate at this.

"It seems to me you not the smartest tool in the shed Liam, you've obviously done a little miscalculation in regards to the prophecy". My response angers him.

"Don't insult my intelligence girl, I've had my people working over that prophecy for years, now is the time for the dire wolf to be reborn. And you are going to give me my army, mother of dire's". He leers at my stomach, obviously imagining the pup I already have growing inside me and what they will become.

"Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm not the mother of dire's". I smirk at his confused expression as it suddenly turns to one of fear as I release my power I've been holding in so now everyone can sense it. He finally works it out, mouthing a silent 'no' as he begins to back away. "I'm the first born". And with that I shift.

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