20 question and the past

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Sorry for taking so long to update but unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way.

Have now hit 3k reads since my last update and it's pretty close to 4K reads now!! Never though I'd even get that many reads to be honest!!

Have planned out the rest of the chapters for this book, and am currently looking at approx 7 more chapters :) enjoy :)

Aroha's pov

I wake up to the sun shining through my window, in an attempt to ignore it and get more sleep I roll over to snuggle into Sebastian only to find his side of the bed empty... this is starting to feel like déjà vu... noting his side is cold he must have been up for a little while.

Just as my anger starts to grow and I'm conjuring up multiple scenarios where I remove his prized possession after leaving me alone yet again, after just showing up and using me . I'm brought out of my plotting by the smell of bacon. Following the juicy scent to the kitchen I'm gobsmacked to find Sebastian slaving over multiple pans in the stove in noting but his boxers.... ok scratch the plan to remove his manhood, change that to thanking him in all sorts of kinky ways later..

"So are you just going to stand there all day ogling me, or are you going to join me for breakfast? I can go put cloths on if that's going to help you concentrate". Sebastian is highly amused catching me out drooling over him.

"Ummm no no, no clothes needed, I'm sure I'd enjoy a nice view with breakfast" though I may just eat you up instead I add in my head.

"No problem love". He casually responds while beginning to pull down his boxers.

"Hey hey hey!!! What do you think your doing??".

"Well you said no clothes were required so I took that as you would like me to take them off?? Sebastian replies innocently...

"I obviously meant you needn't bother yourself going to put more on!! Not have breakfast naked! We would never end up eating if that happened".

"I know love, I just wanted to see the look on your face. And you didn't disappoint". He chuckles and he walked over to join me at the kitchen island.

God damn him for playing me like that..

I can believe how good a cook Sebastian is!! I'm so full after stuffing myself silly I don't think I'll need to eat till tomorrow. I think it's about time I address some of the concerns I have, the main one being that we haven't really got to know each other outside of the bedroom.

"So, how about we get to know more about each other, maybe a game of 20 questions? But we can just keep going for as long as we need as I'm pretty sure I have more than 20".

Sebastian seems to hesitate briefly, but agrees. "Sounds good, I'll join you in the lounge shortly once I've cleaned up in here then we can play this game of yours".

Making my way to the lounge to wait for him I go over some of the things that I want to ask him. Thinking it's best that I ask easy questions then move up to the more personal ones after he feels a bit more comfortable as I got the slight feeling he isn't to keen on 20 questions.

Sebastian comes to cuddle me on the couch "Well ask away". And I do just that.

Before I know it it's been over an hour of us asking each other questions from favourite colours to first pets. We've now moved on to embarrassing stories about ourselves. I've told him all about my family, but can't help but notice that the whole time we have been talking he hasn't once mentioned his own family.

"So Sebastian, I've noticed that you have mentioned anything about you own family. Could you tell me about them?".

He instantly stills at my questions and seems to be staring off into space... guess that was the wrong question to ask...

Sebastian's pov

This 20 questions game hadn't been as bad as I had thought it would be, and found myself thoroughly enjoying hearing all about Aroha and all the embarrassing things she's done. So far we've managed to avoid any talk of my family and I think I'm in the clear... I should have known better.

"So Sebastian, I've noticed that you have mentioned anything about you own family. Could you tell me about them?".

The mention of my family sends me straight back to the memories of that horrific day...

Blood curdling screams wake me from my dreams. Disoriented I stumble from my bed and through the house till i reach the front yard.. nothing could have prepared me for what I found.. the once pure white snow was now stained red with the blood of my family's and friends... all around I could see member of my pack fighting with what I could only assume to be rouges.

From what I could see we seemed to be severely outnumbered. I was brought out of my shock when a pair of arms hoisted me up and began running with me through the forest. I looked up to see my mother..

She was bruised, heavily bleeding and clearly struggling to continue running. The screams of my pack slowly began to fade away.

As strong as she was my mum wasn't invincible, and after barely 10mins of running she collapsed. Looking at her now, blood staining the snow around her, she was in much worse shape than I first thought... she should be dead with the amount of damage she has sustained..

"Sebastian you must continue running, we are not far from our neighbours borders. I have alerted them already and they are on there way to meet you, they will take you and hide you to make sure your safe".

"B-but mum".

"No buts son... those rogues have swarm to eradicate all our bloodline from this earth... you are our only son and we will live on in you. Not quickly go!! They are coming, I'll try hold them off as long as i can, I will always love you".

And so I ran.

After all these years I still can't think of them without remembering.... remembering all the pain and suffering i witnessed, that wasn't something any 10yr old should have to see. I found out later it was all because my father was challenged to the death by some lowly rogue, and his son couldn't accept that my father won fair and square. I was moved away after it was discovered he was still searching for me.

I'm brought from my musings by
Aroha shaking me gently.

"Sebastian.. Sebastian are you ok?? You spaced out on me for a little while there". She looks at me concerned.

"Ah yea, I just need some air". I bolt from the couch and am out the front door in seconds. I don't even think about how fast I just moved in front of Aroha. I need to let off some steam before I blow.... this just reminded me exactly why Aroha isn't safe with me.

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