Drawn together

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Aroha's pov

I returned to the clearing in the forest to find Sebastian waiting for me. He was waiting on a blanket on the grass and had a picnic basket beside him. As he saw me approach he flashed me a panty dropping smile "I thought you would never get here" he says as he stands to embrace me in his arms, resting his head on top of mine due to his height advantage. Content in his arms I'm momentarily disappointed when he steps away from me, only to bring me down onto the blanket with him so that I'm leaning back against his chest. With one arm around my waist he constantly offers me an assortment on foods as we enjoy each other's company.

Once we've both eaten our full we end up snuggled in each other's arms, content to just be with one another, not needing to utter a word. Eventually drifting off to sleep I'm slightly confused when I wake and I'm cavers in a blanket... but as my mind starts to clear I realise it's not a blanket... it feels almost... hairy??? And is something breathing on me?? Nervous as to what I might find when I open my eyes I decide to take a small peak, only to come face to face with a giant tiger. I wake almost instantly scooting back on the picnic blanket gasping for breath never loosing eye contact with the animal in front of me. I start to take in its beauty all the while making sure it didn't suddenly decide I was some juicy morsel to sink it's teeth into when I suddenly notice it's eyes.. cobalt blue eyes..

"Sebastian?". Its barely a whisper when it leaves my mouth, but the tiger hears it clearly. Standing he slowly advances till we are once more face to face. He cautiously edges closed till I can feel his whiskers brushing me face. I don't think I could move if I wanted to, and tingles start shooting through my body as he begins to lower his head to my shoulder and lean into me. My hands seem to have a mind of there own as I suddenly realise that they are now caressing the head of the tiger whom i believe is Sebastian.

The tiger suddenly starts to change and within seconds I'm the Sebastian's arms. I'm in awe of his trust in me to allow me to see him in his other forms. Suddenly I look down to realise I'm cuddling a very naked Sebastian and instantly advert my eyes upwards only to have them dropping down again within seconds. I mean a little peak won't hurt will it? Actually considering the size of his little friend that may actually hurt. I'm bought out of my day dreaming by a deep chuckle.

"I thought women were meant to say my eyes are up here, not men". O shit.... he caught me staring at his package like an idiot... if the ground could open up and swallow me not that would be great.

"I...I...I'm um.. I'm". Unable to process words while still keeping eye contact with Sebastian junior.

He's pushes me back onto the blanket and leans over my body caging me in. "You know, I can tell you exactly what you are Aroha".

"And what's that?"

"Mine!!". And the next thing I know I'm screaming out in ecstasy as set of fangs are piercing my neck.

Sebastian's pov

I've been waiting in the clearing for a while now and was getting worried that Aroha wasn't going to come. "Well that might have something to do with the fact you got here how many hours early??". You could hear crickets while I just kept ignoring trey... "your silence confirmed my statement". "Not now trey". Distracted by my Tigre's presence I didn't notice her till the last minute, I couldn't help it when I jumped to my feet and engulfed her in my arms. She was the perfect high so I could rest my head on top of hers.

Taking her hands I lead her to sit down on the blanket and shuffle until she is leaning back into my chest. I can't help but have a strong urge to tough her, so I keep one arm wrapped around her waste while we eat together.

When we lay down together afterwards, I feel completely at peace. This may have been the reason why some time later I awake to find myself in my tiger form. As I prepare to shift back before Aroha woke up I see her slightly open her eyes and next thing I know she's suddenly on the other side of the blanket looking at me with shock. She moved so quick she could have rivalled a shifters speed in that moment.

I felt as if my body was on auto pilot and I had no control over it as I walked towards her till my head is nuzzling her neck and in taking in her scent. As she realises that it's me I shift back uncaring of my naked state. Aroha apparently not noticing looked down my body till she came to my crown jewles. Which I'm assuming she's quite impressed with if her inability to look away is anything to go buy.

Chuckling I can't help but tease her. "I though women were meant to say my eyes are up here, not men". As I see her stuttering from the embarrassment of being caught I feel my body being take over, unable to stop what's happening. Next thing I know I've trapped her underneath me and told her exactly what she is as I sunk my teeth into her neck... "Mine"....

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