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So last update this book had nearly 4K reads... and now it has doubled to over 8k reads!!! I can't believe it! I started writing this book for fun, I never even  expected this many people to read it. I hope your all enjoying the book so far :)

Sebastian's pov

I had to get out, I needed space. I felt the emotions in me rising. The anger, the hurt and pain consuming me until I struggled to breathe. After rushing out the door I barely made it to the tree line before shifting. I ran, not paying attention to were I was going, as long as it was far away from Aroha's house so she wouldn't hear the smack down I'm about to release on some poor unsuspecting trees.

With teeth and claws I rip into the bark of the trees and tear off branches. When my anger finally starts to subside I survey the damage around me.

"Looks like a big kitty cat used these poor trees as scratching posts" chuckles Trey.

"Trey did you just call yourself a kitty cat?".

"Umm no.... no I'm sure I said big ferocious beast... yes yes that's it". Trey mumbles out.

"No no, I'm sure you called yourself a big kitty cat Trey". 

"...... lets never mention this again". Trey responds and instantly closes the link off.

I can't help but laugh, god I needed that. Can't wait to stir him up over this later on.

I turn around and head back to Aroha's house. Time to face the music, not sure what I'm going to say to her. I suppose I would be asking too much to hope she just ignores everything that happened with me just storming out of the house and disappearing.

But that's exactly what happened. When I walked through the door Aroha was dishing up dinner and acting like nothing has happened. Sitting down at the table I waited for her questions but they never came. We shared a completely normal evening together watching movies before heading to bed. The whole time I'm left here wondering why she never asked why I ran out.

Aroha's pov

I knew I had asked the wrong question the moment it left my lips, his body language said it all and within seconds he was up and out the door before I can even apologise.

Well this certainly wasn't how I saw the day going. I decided to make dinner in the hopes that he would be back later to join me.

When he finally came back I just continued on as we usually would and avoided bringing up what happened. He will tell me when he's ready.

Sebastian's pov

After the day I stormed out we fell into a comfortable routine.  We would spend the days together while I would leave during the nights to complete patrols while Aroha slept. Some nights I would fall asleep and for some reason not wake up like I had been trained to do, so I would add in a daytime run to make up for it. Aroha none the wiser to my disappearances.

The days begun to fly buy and before I knew it a month had passed of me living with Aroha. It had been so peaceful, but of course that was bound to change, and change it did with a mind link from the alpha.

"Sebastian, I need you to investigate some rogue sightings. Approx 1hours run west of your location out in neutral territory. I don't want you to make contact, if possible trail them and find out what there doing out this way. With what's going on at the moment I want to make sure there not involved with this rogue Alpha Liam".

"Yes alpha, I'm on my way now".

I'm on my way to the front door when Aroha comes out of the lounge.

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