Stalking rogues

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Sebastian's pov

I've been tracking out here in neutral territory for a couple hours now without any evidence of rogue activity. I'm just about to turn around and head home when Trey speaks up.

"I feel like we need to keep going Sebastian. Something's telling me that we will find something up ahead if we keep going".

"Your instincts are usually pretty spot on Trey. I'll push on further for a bit longer and see what we find".

I've been walking for barely 10mins when it hits me. A disgusting stench of what I assume my rubbish bin might smell like if I forgot to take it out for a couple years.

"Looks like you were right Trey, the stench of rogues here has got me almost gagging".

"I'm always right Sebastian, and don't forget, I will be the one saying I told you so before this is over". Shutting off the mind link.

I follow the putrid stench for another hour, going deeper into neutral territory far beyond I've ever been before. At first the trail has been snaking back and forth through the trees crossing over itself in an obvious attempt to confuse anyone trying to track them. I'll be honest it almost worked, but eventually the scent trail was heading in a near straight line, the rogues must have thought they covered there tracks well enough and no one would have been able to follow them that far. Stupid rogues, never drop your guard and become complacent.

So intent on following the rogues I hadn't noticed how much time had past until the sun began to set. Considering I left Aroha's house early this morning I've been tracking for a long time. Just when I'm contemplating taking a short break I hear voices up ahead. In the fading light I can see what appears to be the flicker of flames up ahead. Maybe a campfire? I begin to circle around to approach from down wind as to not give away my position. Edging closer to what appears to be a campsite I see that there's an abundance of shrubs and bushes nearby, I silently duck into the undergrowth to better hide me as I get as close to the ground as possible and crawl along.

I reach the edge of a clearing and stay concealed within the bushes, my targets oblivious to my presence. Taking note of my surrounding I see a large building on the other side of the clearing, it's appears to be a old storage building, maybe abandoned by the old logging companies that use to work in this area. Now it seem to be a base of operations for these rogues, as I can smell numerous rogues both fresh and old. There is currently one rogue sitting outside by a fire. A guard maybe? There security is pretty lax, I haven't seen anyone patrolling the area, maybe they think that no one will find them this far out.

The door to the storage building suddenly opens, allowing me to see numerous people walking around inside and talking until the door shuts behind the rogue exiting cutting off all noise again. Hmmm the soundproofing on that building is pretty damn good.

"Yo Allan, foods up inside. I'm taking over from you for the next shift. I suggest you get in there before they eat it all on you". Yells the rogue who exited the building.

"About damn time Ian, Ive been starving out here man. Can wait till all this shit is over an done with".

"Just think man, in three days time we will have everything we need for the boss to make our pack unstoppable, no one will dare mess with us rogues ever again". Replies Allan.

Three days. What's happening in three days?

"I know right? I can't believe that stupid pack actually thinks the boss would tell them exactly when we would be back to attack. I mean who's that stupid to give warning". Replies Ian.

"Yea man, the scouts report they haven't even been training much, it's almost insulting. There going to be in for a rude awakening when we attack in three days instead of another 6 weeks". Replies Allan

"The attacks going to take them by complete surprise. I'm going to enjoy annihilating this pack. I'm hoping that won't tell us we're the girl is, it's so much more fun to torture it out of them". Replies Ian and they both break out into laughter.

"I hate to be that girl when boss gets his hands on her, he's been searching for her for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if he takes all his pent up frustrations on on her. Well I'm going to head in before there's nothing left". Replies Allan.

"Yea see ya". Responds Ian

Shit, this isn't good. I've got to get back to the pack house now. Slowly edging back into the bushes, I silently go back the way I came. Making sure i cross a few small rivers to break up my scent trail so that if any of those rogues happens to pick it up before it disappears then they will struggle to track me back to the pack.

I decide to mind link the alpha "Alpha, Ive found rogues well out in neutral territory, I'm on my way back with important information. I suggest calling an immediate war council. I'd say it will take me a good 3hours to return to ensure I'm not followed".

"Understood Sebastian, we will be waiting for you in the meeting room upon your return. Watch your back". He responds.

Well, looks like I won't be returning to Aroha anytime soon, if at all depending on this war.

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